Well… This is the video you’ve been waiting for 😂 at leats some of you 😅 some people think I try to make it look like I get close but this just shows I truly do this to save the eggs and give them their best chance at hatching 🥚 of course do not do what I do 🙏 I have been doing this for over three decades and accidents can still happen 🤷♂️
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Prehistoric Pets is a one-of-a-kind pet store specializing in exotic pets, such as snakes, lizards, turtles, and even gators! Staffed by reptile enthusiasts, you’ll find everything you need for your reptile or amphibian.
The goal of the Prehistoric Pets channel is to encourage and train the community on the proper care and keeping of reptiles as pets. We focus on the education of reptiles so owners and hobbyists alike can foster an enjoyable experience and optimum animal health.
Your complacency could cost you big next time. Let me remind you to look at the skull anatomy of a 15+ foot retic… Yeah… You have no idea how lucky you are… Kids don't ever try to be like this guy…
So how many times are you gonna role the dice my friend?
У, б, л, по лицу 😂
Every Retic that I have ever come across has been super aggressive, even the babies I've interacted with were extraordinarily aggressive and they would strike at me and everything, just weeks old. Retics are definitely known to be pretty angry and I think this one is overly annoyed because she had a clutch that you separated her from. I'm not saying there aren't any docile Retics, I have just never seen one before lolz. Does anyone else agree that Reticulated Pythons are aggressive? Has that been your experience too? Comment here and let me know your experience with this specific species…
well I was thinking about providing a home for a snake at my home,, but Im gonna pass on this… I dont want a pet that bites
This guy is an idiot always has been
She'll make a beautiful pair of shoes
That's how a pandemic start by manipulating wild animals especially birds that are the ones who have the most diseases since they travel alot over the world. Reptiles and rodents are the seconds. It's even highly recommended to wash immediately your hands after playing with your pet reptiles and rodents. Some kids died from not washing their hands after playing with them and since kids often have their fingers in their mouth well the bacterias and diseases transferred easily and successfully. You just swiped your face like it was just water and redistribute it closer to your mouth. Your choice, man!! But I hope you get vaccinated often against animal diseases.
I like this guy
FFS wear gloves and a motorcycle helmet
🐍 bite at 4:15
Now you r a python developer. 😹😹😹🙈
4:16 snake attack ( en français l'attaque du serpent)😂
I watch your videos because i could never get these close to snakes. Especially that huge, living the dream through you!
Poor mommy snake. Appreciate what you guys do! Way to take a bite to the face like a pro!
i have not bee'n bit by a snake before i onley got stung by a wasp i was crying it did not hurt i was just scared
Bite-thon. Heh heh 😏
Cruel keeping any animal in tiny spaces
Bro that snake hates you
you got kiss from the snake you're the best
7:05 min 😀
Human: "Stay inside"
Snake "Where are my baby's?"
Human "I'll tell you when you stay in…."
I have an ex girlfriend out there who can boast that she was bitten by a python. She made me get rid of it after that incident so I never got to see it become a giant python. It had never bitten anyone so I guess she figured it was just a snake that didn't bite people. I had taken it out of it's cage many times so it was used to people. For what ever unknown reason she wiggled her finger in front of it's face. The party was over after that.
No thanks. I’m happy to just let these snakes be in their natural habitat and stay well away. You can get bacterial infections from them biting you as well but fair play to this guy he had full confidence around them and no fear.
not into snakes (to keep that is) but this is fascinating and they are beautiful ! Oh and Jay, you have good thin blood 🤣👍
He seemed he didn't have the situation under control at any time. Letting the snake get on the floor, not closing the cage right away, letting the snake be free outside the cage and even so behind his back without seeing her….I'm no snake expert, but his laughing and Woooow reactions seem to forced
Bruh the 2nd guy there barely helped at all lmfaooo