Japan now! Tsunami Continues To Strike After 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake | Natural Disasters
In Japan now, the landscape is a stark portrayal of the relentless wrath of natural disasters.
As the tsunami continues in the wake of a devastating earthquake, the magnitude of suffering caused by these natural disasters is heartbreakingly evident.
Communities, once vibrant, now stand in ruins, a testament to the cruel power of natural disasters.
Amid the chaos, the resilience of the people is being tested against the backdrop of these merciless natural disasters.
The frequency and intensity of such events remind us of our vulnerability to natural disasters.
Relief efforts are underway, but the road to recovery seems daunting as the country grapples with the consequences of these repeated natural disasters.
This scenario, a poignant reminder of our collective fragility, underscores the urgent need for global collaboration in disaster preparedness and resilience against natural disasters.
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• Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/sAOTuHHnWVY
Watch our “Dubai is sinking! Is Angry Weather God Punishing UAE with Massive Flooding & Thunderstorm?”
Video here: https://youtu.be/JdQZ2RxTYq0
Watch our “NEW! Tsunami Continue in JAPAN | Earthquake М7.6 & 80 Aftershock hit Ishikawa, Honshu, What Happened”
Video here: https://youtu.be/fcoSrQfE1Ks
Watch our “100 UK Roofs Blown Off, STORM Gerrit, Flash Flood and Strong Winds in Scotland | Natural Disasters”
Video here: https://youtu.be/BL1L3jFEy_U
00:00 – natural disasters
00:22 – tsunami japan
02:31 – japan earthquake
04:52 – ishikawa today
07:43 – japan news
10:01 – today japan
13:23 – tsunami today
16:38 – japan
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This Video researched by: Josue Anderson
Address: 2792 Raynor Valleys East Oriemouth, NM 58525
Geographic coordinates: 72.429565,16.739203
Mother’s maiden name: Mann
Date 1958-10-15
Age 64 years old
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Copyright Music By:
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and other artists
Background music is used in the video by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…
Artist: http://incompetech.com
I am no engineer, but you just don’t go building nuclear power plants in such earthquake prone areas. That is just asking for trouble!
This is 311 different year not recent video , you had mix it ,unless you should put the date and where there for different video if can , mix it make people confuse, not everyone understand English
May God Bless Japan Keep on Praying to The Lord Jesus Christ Powerful Savior in Japan Stay Strong Believing to Faith in God's grace Powerful Holiness in Heaven and Earth In The Name of The Powerful Almighty God Father Yahweh Righteousness Creator in Heaven and Earth Release a Power to Take Good are The Active Volcanoes in Japan Need to ERUPTS Slowly to prevent Disaster in Japan Take your People in Japan Keep Help and Recue Japan from Calamity in The ame of The Power of The Lord Kesus Christ Powerful Savior in. JAPAN Transform Japan in Light Shadow in The Power of God by The Powerful Almighty God Father Yahweh Righteousness Creator in Heaven and Earth by The Powerful Holy Spirit of God Powerful Holiness in Heaven and Earth
We should All Pray, to the lord Jesus.. only he can help you
Le reportage du tsunami au JAPON (2024 ) est un montage ,mélange avec des images du tsunami de 2011 ; alors on n'a pas l'heure juste. Pourquoi tromper les gens, c'est merdique et malhonnête !
The prophesies of the Bible are unfolding before our very eyes. We are living in the End Times. There is too much sin on earth. God is cleaning it.
Earthguakes happen everyday and you need to set up alert systems.. hawai has them..i would imqgine japan does as well… they have consltant small ones like california does.. on the usgs its list red at 5 abd above so its noticed….
I noticed one bad thing of the japanese people….. get the heck out of the building.
I'm sorry but the expression "mother nature" … doesn't have logic ….. FATHER'S NATURE ….OR LORD GOD'S NATURE …..IS MORE LOGICAL
You buildings are not structural sound.Move !
Lovely weather for a sleigh ride together.. Wheather and Slay? Oh how calmly the the winds do blow the duality of Purpose, servants between two masters, one calling it blessing of proof, the other begging against HIM, cry out " Oh GOD …" .. save me or save him, the just and the criminal, whose plea and plaintiff and the ruling and rule by GOD'S Measure, when will HE make an end, from the Begging as we all Know, the tears for justice upon wicked men, whom yet does not plea and beg for the comming peace of Paradise promised a soon comming to the End of The Begining, whom But THE FATHER can know, yet aeons plea, as it was in the Days of Noah, GOD'S Rightious Wrath, and the plea of the Unjust against HIM, Angels weap and moan for their reign and worship though no Law be done by them, yet the girl child promised to Him, batttered and abused only taken again, hostage and abused, destroyed innocensce and tearful, they have done, and none but HE Feels the Rightious rage, abomiantions to HIS Ears the women who plea for them and not for More of HIM To Rage on their behalf, mother , do you not know the FATHER, have you not heard the cries of you daughters, yet a dog you say will protect against GOD when sent your things, sold of flesh from your woumb to satify their flesh, for money and greed.. vanity you say against My GOD, in the mirror, look and scry upon the Law HIS Love, and wrath upon the wicked, and from your woumb thar seed spread, a painful plucking, HIS eye has been offended, shall HE not pluck it out, all Evil in HIS sight, cling no longer to your abominations and defense of them HE has warned as HE has to Lotts wife, a pillar of salt and into hell it will melt, GOD Hears Your Daughters, why do you not.. swift to the sword and under stone to lay upon them of Covenant Law of My GOD.. you know, clufing to more defile by dog and cat and wretching suckling at sodmies seeding post, swallow and gag and wretch it out, GOD Knows your heart, plea thee not To HIM lest you fail to obey.. it. Is not your dog that will save you from hell, nor your son nor teaching by men what you have learned.. cry for Justice and follow it out to Fulfillment oh godess suckling like the whore of babylon for the vanity of your ways, finish them that you have born, not in sexual gratification for your mammon nor sell at all your daugnters and sons again and again to the holy nor to unholy men, put them to the sword and under heavy stone as HIS Laws command.. do not repent nor shy away. For your own sake and you own flesh, lest it be that your torment just litely be begun, fornicate not with your dog nor your sons and sell not your daughters into abuse.. how far gone this foregone and foretold doom, pre judged and aeons well known..
I pray to GOD for HIS Rightious Wrath, be HIS Servant to save at least your own flesh if you soul be in doubt.. you have done worse to have comforts for another day, ask your daughters sold away if you doubt your own rememberance and desires of continuance, sell them not into harlotry with men and maybe youll have a chance witth the wicked women, so there be no male to blame, and then I shall have my wives and you yours, or Litlith not be satified in her lusts, hopefully. My wives will obey GOD and you whores of Babylon will have another day and amongst yourselves and for eachothers pay in gratification of your desires for eachotthers flesh you may maintain.. will you not even obey yourselves only to serve men and diseased dogs and diseased felines.. have you no dignity or desires for non diseased harlot flesh even amongst yourselves?
O Lord God have mercy on ur Children
Богу кто поможет? Одни боги! И волки злые!
Praying for our Japanese friends. 🙏🏼
Jesus is coming soon see biblical prophesied.
1440 hours wednesday 3rd january 2024 – greetings from 素娟 xxx.X. bless xxx.X. i hope your country japan will live to better days in the future xxx.X. love from SUSAN K LEE xxx.X. AMEN xxx.X.
Strange how this is happening on the same date as Fukushima eh.
เป็นเวรกรรมอะไรของชาวญี่ปุ่นนะ ทั้งพายุหิมะ ทั้งลมพายุ ทั้งแผ่นดินไหว และ ทสึนามิ ทั้งไฟไหม้
มันมาพร้อมๆกันได้ยังไงน่าสงสัยในธรรมชาติมาก ปรกติแค่มาเพียงอย่างเดียวก็จนสุดทนแล้วเฮ้อออ
Praying for the people and wildlife in Japan.
Stop geo engineering for a start. Google HAARP.
Ni Dios juega a los dados, ni falta a su palabra. La cuenta atrás ha comenzado.y la gente en una gran nube de confusion
Turn to God NOW!! 😢
perhaps you have to stop the geoingeneery ? stop Haarp, stop vanshing trees…
it is awful
Omg😮God bless you all people Jepan
Apocalypse now!
Japan now! Tsunami Continues To Strike After 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake | Natural Disasters