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Natural Disasters: When Nature Shows No Mercy
Eruption, Sel, Landslide, collapse, Avalanche,Tsunami, Fire, Tornado, Blizzard, Grad, Drought, destruction, Explosions man made natural,natural disasters t he, what,
disaster, natural disaster, what are disasters, what is natural disasters, what are natural disasters disaster meaning earthquake man made disasters, types of disasters Damage, rain, hail, snow,nuclear strike, nuclear disaster, nuclear, MOTHER NATURE, Moments, Caught On Camera, tornado, natural disasters caught on camera, nature camera
No mercy
Wow 👍
God bless you all 🙏
Nam mô a di đà Phật
Nam mô a di đà Phật
Nam mô a di đà Phật
Minisa tirisanwe ata mihikata mewa daka kopawi ata 😮
L'homme doit réflechire… dans ces ėvennement brusque naturelle,…a résoudrent que la sience et le savoir faire reste toujour inferrieur a cette force redoutable de la nature…croire a dieux….au plus vite possible…..et comme sauvetage assfmblez vous a l'islam or que il ya des citation corranic explique en prècision incontournable sur se que vous voiyez et entendre et surtous la force de revenche de dieux le tous puissant vous donne une chance……..
Alors revener a dieux et l'islame vous serrez épargner ……salut a dieu et son proféte mohamed sala allah alih wa sallam
When human has no mercy to mother nature + earth, why should mother nature + earth do. Finally the time has come for the revenge for all those damage made by humans.
God does not exist. This is a force of nature, a terrible thing.
God is great 💪🔥🔥🔥🔥
اللهم سلم المسلمين في كل مكان واحميهم وآمنهم في بيوتهم
Truth is; this is the power of God, Jesus Christ seen "in nature" which He alone controls as Creator of all things [Col 1 v16].
"I form light and create darkness; I make well-being and create calamity; I am Yahweh, who does all these things" [Isaiah 45 v7] "Truth is a stubborn thing"
Those who willfully reject Gods truth should prepare; for what is seen here is nothing—this will be global and much more devastating:
"For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will" [Matthew 24 v21]
Как это страшно.
these aren't even your video's and you want donations! Isn't that fraud/theft! How RUDE!
Mother earth is like mother nature…. it's natural to have calamities like this…
Irmão chuvas
Causes the devil's no mercy. To the laws. Thy killed, thy out of reality.
Мне жаль только животных. Люди сами виноваты во всех бедах!😢
Спаси Господи!
🕊Keep and Recite this supplication (du'aa) when chastisement befalls🕊
if you see Allah’s chastisement falling, while you are at home or out in the open, drop down prostrating on the ground wherever you be and say: [O our Allah, I am Your servant, I ask You by the fact that there is no God except You and by the fact of Your mercy that You ordained upon yourself and by the truth of the greatest Bliss of the pleasure of Yourself, to forgive Your servant and Your servants along Your servant and to remove chastisement from them by Your mercy,. O the Most Merciful of than all the merciful ones, indeed, You have power over all things]. So say that three times when you are prostrating on the ground, then get up raising your hands to your Lord pleading and say the same supplication until Allah removes the distress of chastisement from the nation, indeed my Lord is the Hearer of supplication, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Lord of the worlds.
Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
mahdialumma. net
Жаль,что один день,недельку бы подолбил,чтоб люди очнулись
I hope those folks within a football field of that monster 🌪 coming their way were spared complete devastation
Nous n'avons pas pitié de elle comment voulez vous que elle ait pitié de nous
Страшно что твориться, когда миром стараются править Сатана и фашисты в облике Америки и нато!!!! Жалко простых добрых людей.
Zoti na ruajt 🙏
Anybody notice a face in the tornado at 1:11? 🧐 🤔 🌪️
Сейсмическая активность нарастает по всему миру и это провоцирует другие катаклизмы срочно смотри научный климатический форум ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЙ КРИЗИС ВЫХОД ЕСТЬ
Tenemos que acer nuevas tecnologias 😊😊😊
😎😇🙏🙏🙏Repent to Jesus Christ.our father in heaven.
А сколько можно терпеть, матушке Земле?
I have commented 2 years and I still confirm that I solved the global warming problem.
From what I have researched and analyzed The violence is increasing than it has been every year.
UN approves me to solve global warming problem, I will fix the problem ASAP. There is enough information I have to prove to everyone that scientific approaches and solutions to global warming can be restored to normal..
Semua belahan bumi ya orang Kristen dan.pengikut lain apa mau dikata itulah fakta penolakan manusia pada Allah kita apalagi pemimpin nangis getih kamu semua army dunia pasti ditolak lakukan apa kata roh ini
Many people need to be with the rapture because it is very dangerous in the coming great tribulation. Never hesitate to leave worldly wealth because that is one of the reasons people become evil. The people left behind in the world will be afflicted with severe disasters such as have not been experienced since the creation of the world. Cry our mistakes, we need to repent and accept Jesus our Savior. Jesus is only the way, the truth, and the life.
Nam myoho rengekyo 🙏 pray 🌍 peace, be safe**""*::
أمام قوة الخالق جبار السموات والأرض ؛ كل القوى تصبح هباءً منثورا
Время последнее. Кайтесь. Господь грядёт.🙏