Unbelievable footage | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry

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About the Author: HAARP


  1. Lord Jesus Christ ​​is coming very soon!
    Please repent precious people and be prepared in righteousness and holiness.  Heb.12/14, Rev.21/27
    GOD righteous judgments are on earth
    because people reject repentance. 
    GOD is thrice Нoly and judges sin!
    GOD is Love, but also a Righteous Judge.
    Please repent and turn away from sin, live righteously and holy.
    Matthew 24, Luke 21, Rev. 6, Rev. 22/12
    Precious people, please repent in CHRIST JESUS , accept JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and SAVIOR , live righteously and holy to enter Нeaven.
    The sins of people will lead them to hell,
    do not go to hell.
    Choose your eternity with God in Нeaven!
    John 3/16:
    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
    Acts 17/30:
    "The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked; but now He commandeth men that they should all everywhere repent."

  2. Фу блин, где тут конец света..это обычное явление для России… бывает..ну не каждый же день….надо привыкать..

  3. Tengan mucha fe para que no se me mueran, pero no pienses como muchos que me dicen. Ha pero si el padre de los cielos esta acá por que no lo vemos y por que pasa tanta cosa horrible y mala y tanta matazon de gente, y yo les digo que el padre dijo que el vino fue a revolcar todo para dejar de nuevo la tierra como tiene que quedar para la próxima creación o la nueva generación del padre celestial no temais qué ya papá nuestro padre celestial o espíritu santo tiene escrito quien muere y quien no. Y también me dicen ha pero que yo no soy tan linda como para que mi padre el espíritu santo me dejara acá en la tierra para semilla y no es que el padre no elige belleza por fuera el padre elije es que tu si cambies de todo corazón y qué si se entregue de todo corazón a nuestro creador y que no recemos lo viejo que el ya nos dio las nuevas oraciones para que oremos

  4. Qué el padre santo nuestro creador de todo lo visible y lo invisible dueño y dador la vida y de la muerte nos cuide y y nos ampare El es el único que puede hacerlo todo todo

  5. Given the rate at which the hailstones came down in the fraction of the seconds, I just wondered how many bullets or missiles can the ^smart weapons^ of the "foolishest" and the "skull-vaccumed brainless" anti-CHRISTs release in the same time period when they come against the Invisible Angels to start with. We must bear in mind that the sizes of hailstones will surely be bigger at that time.
    Had they also considered the meteorites, for in the time of judgments there won't be any ^near miss^ but each will hit its target accurately.
    Anyway, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF made it very clear, no one knows the time but let those with wisdom just get "READY" to be "BORN-AGAIN" and be "PREPARED" by the HOLYSPIRIT for REDEMPTION.


    Jesus Christ is returning this is the good news, for all who will Repent & believe

    in/on Him, believe with all your heart in the Son of GOD, CALL upon His Holy name

    Jesus for forgiveness of sins with a humble and contrite heart and Jesus Christ

    WILL forgive you and will grant you the free gift of everlasting life, believe in the

    GOSPEL of Salvation as in 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4 do ROMANS 10:8-10 & ACTS

    2:38 and you WILL be saved. 🙏❤

  7. Ce n,est pas la fin du monde, mais juste un avertissement de dieu, pour faire entrer les pêcheurs dans la repentir et pénitence.
    Revenez à tout puissant avant que ça soit trop tard

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