William Montgomery, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, Paul Deemer, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 12/18/2023
Tony you're not funny
that last guy has some robin williams physicality to him. Now don't rip me apart, I know he doesn't meet Robin standards but the movement reminded me of that
Where is rick diaz i thought he was going to challenge hanz kim?
Joe Smith for new regular!
Why isn't anyone talking about how Cam massively bombed on the NYE episode. It was straight cringe.
It brought me so much joy to see that I own the same shirt as the great D Madness!
I ain’t gon lie William and Hans have to be the unfunniest people on the show…William literally screams and people start laughing that’s not funny
Just started binging this show a few weeks ago. Thought William was 100% serious he had cancer.. then i listened back from a couple hundred episodes and realized hes a serial liar lmfao😂 what a strange creature he is i hated him at first but now hes the highlight of every show!!
Hans used to be funny but there’s only so much he can do like it was more his quirkiness that made him funny but I don’t even think he has that anymore
Second, guess was hilarious! Tony's acting like a b*tch I'm done with this ep.
I'm not joking, and I've given the dude plenty of chances. When are we going to stop pretending like Hans is funny?!
I thought tony was gay
Old fashioned. 2 sugar cubes. 2 or 3 cherries. One orange slice with rind. Muddle all that without mashing the orange rind. Then add your bitter and 3 or 4 finger of BRANDY! Only way to make a true old fashioned!
Worst episode and guests ever
This show is dogshit without the regulars performing…
Literally anyone can take hans at this point
Tony can be so lame. He acts like no one is funny but he tried so hard to make people laugh with that lame mario bit.
Last dude was so annoying
Hans needs a long break from the show, hes not funny anymore.
I am an hour and 20 minutes in. I feel like Tony is trying to prove the value of his regulars bc I am missing the breaks of guaranteed sets.
That guy definitely had something there with the more lox. Like dam i love that shit
Is it just me or did this episode suck?? none of the panel was funny and tony wasn’t funny and at times came off just cringe.those sound clips when she was talking about her aborted child was not funny and just to far,just super rude and not funny making fun of a dead child.
when tonys mad the show kinda sucks cause he brushes people off
I'm kinda tired from all the hate William and Hans receives. Do they have a great set every week? Nah. Of course not. 99% of you could probably barely produce a minute worth of good jokes. Mind you, thats probably your best material. And then to do be expected to do that weekly?
I think everyone's expectations are too high…
Cam is not funny
"Ive never seen Rogan do that.." Tony's dream is to be dominated by Rogan.
Casey Rockets would have to be one of the worst comedians going around.