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Welcome to the Discoverize! Here, we dive into the most exciting and unbelievable things that the world has to offer. From ancient artifacts to mind-blowing scientific theories, there’s never a dull moment on our channel. Join us as we embark on a thrilling journey of discovery and wonder, and get ready to have your socks knocked off by the amazing things that we uncover. Whether you’re a lifelong learner or just looking for a good time, our channel is sure to entertain and educate. Buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable ride!
Met the HA Long Island President a few years ago at funeral for a biker in my brother’s MC. He acted friendly at the funeral. It’s all about protocol.
The Canadians go hard
Bora or whatever you call him was sentenced to life without parole. But he was living his last few years torturing his pet in an apartment!!😅
Die einzig wirkliche Gefahr auf dieser Welt sind Politiker und deren Master.
Hells Angeles, many knew the Bible and gov. mixed ,not obey any wrong doing ..
Im my country we call them: Töfflibuebe
I have been 110 kg solidly build with reasonable bodyfat. 300 pounds almost all muscle makes think he took steriods.
Never did I think a worse president than Obama,was possible. I Am friggin embarrassed that Joe "don't you do it ' Biden is my president. Embarrassed. Not Happy, Happy, Happy.
How can you buy a Hells angels cut on Amazon and face book
All good men known to be some of the most trustworthy men on the planet unlike parasites and leaches you look up to because of your brainwashing
Handsome faces, ❤ dosnt go with face
Eines ist sicher,diese Jungs haben mehr Ehre und Respekt als jede Regierung dieser Welt❤1%👍👍👍
Impossibilities are merely things which we have not yet learned.
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed.
Every new day is another chance to change your life.
There's an art to getting your way, and spitting olive pits across the table isn't it.
Snitches and lames
Whats I know how I don't have to be in a relationship but I'm not sure what is a good job in a good time for you to the best I've ever seen in a good way to be in the same way to doing it for you
It's only a dog 🐕 not a human being .
They all look brainless
what the hells angels!
Nothing cool about these ladys
The most dangerous my ass😂😂
I was in 7th grade at Anacapa, Ventura CA . Christie was chapter president back then an we had a roller rink called Skating Plus/Miniature Golf next to it, saw him there w his kids I guess- didn’t seem like a bad guy but I was 11. Wasn’t till I was older riding FXRS I learned about the culture, give it get it back. Touch the bear but don’t slap him and…word is everything, in that world truth goes w brotherhood. Only few big rules, no blacks, no homos, no hypo users cause it goes back to prison race mixing kumbaya don’t exist, gays are excluded period, and junkies will sell their own mother out to fix.
You REAP what you SOW!
Bikers aren’t nothing but bottle throwing punks!!! Attention craving queers!!!
Gangsa hood dudes – annoying
Japanese Yakuza – pretty cool
Mexican mafia – scary MFers
Colombia mafia – drug lords
Biker gangs – 🤡 🤓
Should all come together and become a REAL FORCE!
So called Kindness doesn't excuse murder!
Evel kinevel was Right about these feckless losers!! Evel RULES!! 🏍
We all luv the hells angels.