It’s very interesting to see how these animals have a will to survive! This was excellent technique from the lioness. She went right for the tendons and severed them so that it can’t run away. These girls get to feast now and they deserve every tasty nutritious bite. This will give them a lot of strength to go on with their hard lives.
Fought to the end, humans can learn from this creature, instead of crying about how hard done by they are, get up and fight through it.
Excellent team work by the lions…those sharp horns could be fatal so the strategy was to cripple the roan first then go for the kill..
The wild is absolutely unforgiving!
The lions bit his leg and his spine. Lions do that all the time to paralize their prey. Next thing he couldn’t feel his legs and it was all over.
Lions acting like komodo dragons here. Bite and wait the prey off until it becomes too weak to fight back.
Damn, these roan and Sable antelope are so defensive. Those lionesses would had killed a female cape buffalo more easily than that.
What makes wonder is intelligence of big cats.the do the bite where the prey can’t walk or even run.
Once you saw the lionesses biting the hinder parts, it was over. They knew it, but the brave and valiant strove on. This is testimony that most creatures truly want to live….. with all their might. Looking forward to that day.
Lions are truly the superior and ultimate killing machine..The dominant big cats.
The antelope it managed to fend off the lionesses until its unfortunate death
This is a lesson in our lives . Fight on to the very end .
Its muscles and tendons have been hurt too much for it to escape anyway. At least the the lions (if they do it right) will suffocate it first to have a less painful death. Much better than when hyenas and wild dogs will dismember it alive while still being conscious.
Avoid what is strong and go for what is weak. It’s like lions too study Tsunzus art of war.
Lions are very cleaver they bite legaments to ensure it cannot escape and save alot of their energy and just wait for their hunger to come
Help had to be given to this strong and brave deer because he did an unparalleled feat and was able to get out standing between the clutches, tusks and muscles of two adult lions by relying only on his horns. He did what he had to do and successfully, that’s why he deserved to be honored and given a prize instead of enjoying seeing him limp. The heat of the fight was gone and the pain cooled down on him and his legs couldn’t stand. Maybe he needed a little time with two savage lions.
The biggest advantage large wildlife predators have over humans is that wildlife predators always eat the freshest meat.
Not sure how any of these non predator types make it to adulthood when there are other animals trying to eat you day in and day out
It sucks major when you can’t walk anymore ……something most of us will have to deal with at one time in our lives. The lionesses did a thorough job on the Roans hind legs tendons ..
It’s honestly really sad to see, but when you think about it, the lionesses probably haven’t eaten in days, and lionesses need to eat in order to produce milk for their cubs, so there’s always 2 sides to every story
Good move from the lions to wound the legs of such a dangerous prey first.
That Roan should of been fighting from the beginning, maybe it would haven’t been so badly injured, and eventually killed. But That’s the nature of the wilderness.
Shows how specialized of a killer Lions are…destroy the hind legs ligaments, disabled the prey and let nature happen.
Sad, but the lions were smart enough to change tactics – move back from his neck (dangerous sharp horns) to really injuring his hind legs, so that they were eventually guaranteed their huge bounty. Nature in all its gory glory.
Its so sad how lions have to work so hard just to eat. The Roan and other herbivores basically has a unlimited buffet. Everyone is sad for the lions right? I mean, they are endangered.
It’s only a matter of time before something eats it. That’s nature and oddly enough, that’s where we belong. We always forget this.
Probably inexperienced lions which was unlucky for the Roan in that experienced lions would have ended its suffering much sooner.
The lions are probably young and not yet experienced. A single lioness can kill bigger than this antelope. They just killed with a bite in the throat by asphyxiation in 3-4 min.
Even a Buffalo couldn’t have fought like this antelope did, best fighter in the jungle. Unfortunately the injuries are too severe for it to survive another day, lions will stalk it until the end.
Yeah won't care if they go extinct