Moira! Saved from her owner who wanted to euthanize her!

Moira! Saved from her owner who wanted to euthanize her!
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No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter

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  1. I love the name Moriah… I'm glad you stood up and said no to that owner who wanted his dog back. Seriously what was he thinking. 🤔
    She is a sweetie pie 😍❤

  2. So very glad that Moira is with you. Thank you for saving this beautiful girl. My highest respect to Takis and team for all you do for these animals ❤️🇺🇲🙏

  3. My family adopted a 10 year old dog that apparently had mental issues, barking all hours of the night. He had been on a chain most, if not all of his life. Even when we had taken him home, his habit of barking at invisible intruders didn't stop (and he would specifically go under the house at night to do it). Despite that, we were happy to see him open up to us, as he knew we were the ones who gave him a life off a chain. He lived for another 8 years, as independent as any dog should be.

  4. I get really frustrated when my comments don't post. No good with technology. I can't believe the hubris of some humans….wants the vet to kill this sweet baby then wants her back after Taki makes her healthy!!! The absolute nerve of this scumbag. I wish l could've been there to hear Taki tell the maggot how this sweetie is now chipped in Taki's name! I wouldn't have been quite so diplomatic as Taki, lol!🤗♥️☘️🐾🌈☮️🇨🇦

  5. Παλιανθρωπος ιδιοκτήτης,ήθελε να ξαναπάρει το σκυλάκι μετά οσα έκανε???
    Τι μυαλά κουβαλάνε μερικοι!!!

  6. Some people who want working dogs want just that there’s no love involved they just work them to death but if they get sick or can’t do the job expected of them they just put them to sleep or worse it’s disgusting animals feel love and loyalty just like we do. She is your dog Takis you are the one who has loved and cared for her.

  7. Gracias Takis por darle la oportunidad a Mira de ser feliz 😊😊❤❤ todos los peluditos están muy hermosos ❤ excelente día y un buen inicio de semana 😊😊😊❤

  8. She is absolutely beautiful, she deserves everything good in life.
    She looks so happy and content with her friends, and her wonderful Papa Takis, the most wonderful person in the land. Just ask his puppies.

  9. I love that you said "no she is my dog now" when the previous owner wanted to euthanize her.
    Thank you, Takis. I'm sure the dogs all know how much you love and care for one of them

  10. Θυμάμαι την ιστορία της Μοίρα! Την έσωσες Τάκη και έχει μια ζωή με αξιοπρέπεια και αγάπη τώρα! Ευχαριστούμε!!❤

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