7.5 magnitude earthquake hits West Japan

7.5 magnitude earthquake hits West Japan
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A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck western Japan, according to the United States Geological Survey and the Japan Meteorological Agency.
Tsunami warnings have been issued along coastal regions of western Japan and people have been urged to evacuate.

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About the Author: CNN


  1. 私は東京から、地震の心配ありがとうございます。私達も復興に向けて頑張ります。世界も戦争をやめて幸せな平和に暮らしていきましょう。

  2. 日本に対して海外から心配してくださり、また多くの支援をしてくださり有難うございます。日本は地震や津波だけでなく、様々な大災害に毎年のように見舞われながらも日本人が互いに助け合いながら乗り越えてきました。この地震の被災地がいち早く復興し、以前のような活気を取り戻すことを願います。

  3. I give you the reasons, and the solutions…
    Who knows the reasons, knows the solutions… Any natural phenomenon must be balanced naturally…
    I am very sorry to say that the time is going to be over, and on some phenomenons is over…
    There is a lot around sciences, but very few of them scientists…
    This kind of people will lead people to the loss of land and their future…

    Yousif A Tobiya

  4. Sorry:
    I see science surrounded, and there is a lot about science, and very few of them are scientists…
    Please: do not waste time, we want a solution, not just studies…
    Yousif A Tobiya

  5. Thousands of scientific letters were sent to all parts of the world, warning them to stop the melting of the ice caps at the poles and the Himalayas, to reduce earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and terrestrial eclipses, and and and…

  6. Abstract :

    The energy that dominates the earth is very great, some of it is natural, like the heat of the sun and volcanoes, and some of it is human action, by cutting down trees, without replacing them and cultivating in their place…
    There are five forces that control or dominate the planet…
    1- The first theory (horizontal dynamic movement) and its end…
    The occurrence of storms, rain, floods and snow, at unexpected times and places, is because of the expiration of this theory, which needs to be balanced…
    2- The second theory (vertical dynamic movement) and its end…
    This movement or force controls or dominates the earthquakes, earth cracks, drying up of rivers and lakes, earth openings, mountain collapses, and the emergence of drinking water springs on the ground…
    It becomes out of control…
    These phenomena increased due to the end of this theory…
    The third theory: it is water that rotates the earth…

    The fourth theory: the Earth's axis of rotation has tilted 2° degrees…

    The fifth theory: The Earth has a new orbit…

    These studies had completed and sent on July 26th 2000


  7. I am appreciative of all the support I have had from people all over the world because I am Japanese. I'm grateful. Japan will bounce back.

  8. 中国人と韓国人が震災で大喜びしてますが、世界の皆さんの温かいコメントありがとうございます。私たち日本人は何度でも立ち上がります。

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