“Beverly Hills 90210” actor Ian Ziering was attacked by a group of mini bikers on New Year’s Eve, and the entire incident was caught on camera. Laurie Perez reports.
“Beverly Hills 90210” actor Ian Ziering was attacked by a group of mini bikers on New Year’s Eve, and the entire incident was caught on camera. Laurie Perez reports.
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What gets me is the hundreds of people watching as a gang attacks one person… context doesn't matter at this point… it's a gang attacking one person.
Latinos as usual destroying America and Spain
Steve… This is not going to get Kelly back 😂
He white therefore he innocent. Please…
But if I say anything its a danger to public safety!! Lmmfao. I'll enjoy living rural. Have fun in your ghetto
I get it. I understand why both sides involved were angry. The dirt bikers were angry because he kept making those shitty Sharknado movies in the Beverly Hills 90210 guy was angry because he has no range as an actor so he kept having to make Sharknado movies. I get it.
Every weekend and the police can't break it up? A liberal hellhole.
If Dylan had been there. It would not have gone the distance. Steve, honestly i thought u had more in ya. I hope Kelly wasn't watching that 😅
He didnt protect himself to good,hes lucky those werent real bikers or it would of been alot worse its funny how some of the news stations called them a biker gang
It's because of the third Sharknado movie.
don't start fights you can't finish Ian
Let this be a lesson to the public. You don't mess with baddest Moped Club on the west coast. The Bone Smugglers are not to be taken lightly. They are a hardcore woke moped club. Poor Ian was dry humped in the middle of the street in Hollywood for God's sake. Just imagine if he was rendered unconscious what they would have done to him. I think Gaza would have been a day at the park compared to this.
Where was Brandon Walsh?
Stay in your car, doors locked, and call 911. Do NOT engage, ESPECIALLY if you have a child in the car. You don't know if there are weapons, it's not worth risking your life or the life of others.
This dude clearly got out his car and attacked a pedestrian. So with his aggressive actions caused reactions. He needs to be held accountable for his actions as others do. SMH
He got culturally enriched.
I love how he says "allegedly attacked" as the video evidence of him clearly getting attacked is playing in the back
This wouldn’t happen in Arizona
Cops won't do anything except make sure you are unarmed
I was there and witnessed this. My wife and I, plus some friends, had just come out of the Harley Davidson store, coming up on that first pink jeep. These mini-bikes were loud, obnoxious, and these mini-bikers, were weaving in and out of traffic, quickly, carelessly, and dangerously. I talked to one of the pink jeep drivers, and one of the jeeps had received some damage as well, so the bike riders carelessly caused the accident and damage. No one knew he had a daughter with him, until after the fact, and she was sitting in the backseat. His car has tinted windows, so you couldn’t see her. Him running across the street, deterred any attention away from the car. Across the street where he ran, are stores, some with security guards, so I assume he went to look for some assistance. Surrounding bystanders, displayed more displeasure with the bikers, as opposed to Ian. I don’t know what was verbally said, but my opinion is that these bikers, were already an assault, to other vehicles and bystanders, and according to surrounding business owners, they were already having trouble with these bikers, prior to this altercation. The 12 year old girl was fine, and attended by a couple of blonde ladies, plus, my wife and I checked on the little girl as well. What the videos didn’t show, was three of the bikers, trying to tear off his side view mirror, and they bashed his windshield on the driver’s side. The bikers were the instigators, and Ian was already aggravated because his little girl was already scared of what the bikers doing, that caused all of this. Was it right or wrong to do what Ian did? Maybe, maybe not, but under the circumstances, I can’t really fault his reaction to the situation, and I don’t think any of the other surrounding people did either. And by the way, no one knew beforehand, that it was Ian Ziering, except my wife and I.
These were not bikers and this looks like a comedy skit
Even though I can't stand the out of control biker groups, it certainly Looks like Mr. Sharknado started the fight by running up on that biker and hitting him first. According to this video of course.
WTF bystanders???? HELLLLLOOOOO!!!!!!
If you are doing things like this on public streets, your mom doesn't love you.
This is a publicity stunt
Pretty sure the whole thing never happens if he just stays in his car.
Time to play cowboy and Nigaz
ummm he ran the other way from his car that had his daughter in it?
Don't hire foreigners that don't even know how to pronounce a basic name like "Ian." Pathetic.
Mini Bikes RULE!! He's an actor acting his phony
Yeah Steve Harvey was about to be mad at him at first, he was looking like man every-time you give a brother a chance they say some crazy
In some, more enforcement prone areas, they confiscate those bikes and quads and crush them. Just sayin'.
They knew they were up to no good, all their faces were covered smh
he voted for BIDEN! so let him enjoy it! also he voted for Democrats and said nothing about covid!
Dude, this isn't Sharknado…stay in your car.
That’s what you get with sanctuary city crap and soft on crime. L.A, CA and the whole west coast are filth and lawless
Ian Ziering is a voice of Harry Osborn from Spider-Man the new animated series
Latin thugs for sure…latinos have this stupid strength in numbers mentality…thugs never think they do anything wrong