Kottu Roti – Delicious Sri Lankan Street Food!

Kottu Roti - Delicious Sri Lankan Street Food!
Spread The Viralist

Top 40 Sri Lankan Foods: http://migrationology.com/2011/11/sri-lankan-food-40-of-the-islands-best-dishes/ (Click here)

Kottu roti is one of the most famous and delicious foods to eat in Sri Lanka.

The dish is composed of roti paratha bread that is shredded into small pieces and fried with a variety of vegetables, different sauces, and a bunch of tasty spices and seasonings.

The best kottu roti chef’s make the dish while playing a rhythmic tune!


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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. LOL I love how the chef cracks up starting at around 0:23. My guess is that he knows at least some English, and Mark's narration probably made him feel like some exotic filmed creature, a star of some anthropology or nature video. ;D

  2. Hey mark, I would like to invite you to Sri Lanka and I will give u real Sri Lankan Malay sinhala and moor tamil traditional foods, send me a mail cthuwan@gmail.com. How to contact u because I am planing to go to Sri Lanka to see my parents on April 2018. April is the month of tamil sinhala new year so u can taste real Sri Lankan traditional sweets and foods. Plz contact me

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