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Acoustic Guitar 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Thank you!
Hi Elsa you are beautiful &thank you to you Lee for saving her life

Elsa looks so happy 

Elsa’s beautiful!!!!

Elsa is beautiful. How could they have killed her ? It is criminal !
My last dog was going to be euthanized because she was "depressed" and wouldn't run up to the cage door and put on a tail-wag supershow.
It took months to get her mostly over her PTSD and depression, but she then became a therapy dog!
WAIT!!!! Do you have 3 SAMMYS?????? Lee!!! I need a Sammy!!

I miss my Prince, Chi Chi and all of her 28 puppies (4 litters/7 in each)!!
Elsa looks exactly like my Sugar Bear

Lee Asher you are one of a kind God bless you!
Keep on keeping on, you are wonderful!

Your the best broken record
We love you for loving them
I adopted two of my dogs, a husky and a border collie mix and then I have a little half Chihuahua half French bulldog that my granddaughter gave me they’re doing an amazing job. God bless you.
Gosh, We love you almost as much as we love Animals. Hugs and kisses to everybody from France xoxo Oh, and happy New Year guys
How do you remember all of these dogs names Lee? Big supporter of what you and your team are doing!

I love you you

Beautiful dogs

Great video I love it God bless you

Thank God for you
Happy New Year Lee and the Asher House Sanctuary

I know 2024 will be a super exciting one, Thankyou for doing what you do Lee, I been here for so long been through so many phones since and make sure I find your channel to follow/refollow. I love what you do and love all your animals/babies. Many blessings to you and the Asher House family
We just rescued a 4 year old dog and I’m wondering if we should change her name or leave it as what’s she used to
Oh my, how can such a beautiful amazing dog be on a euthanasia list? If I had a life that could support a dog I would definitely adopt. Never ever buy from a store , although… once they’re there they need rescue too but not everyone has hundreds or thousands to do that. Rescue always, love your work and your channel
Thank you Lee for saving more lifes YOU ARE THE BEST
God bless you 
I've had several dogs in my 81years and they've all been rescue dogs. I'm afraid
not to adopt them. Don't want them euthanized. I look forward to seeing your videos daily. Even the old ones. My heart
goes bonkers every time I watch them. Thanks
so much Lee.
Don’t apologize for being all over the place!!! Wherever you are is interesting!!!
Thank you!!
Who's the cattle dog?
THANK U LEE 4 another WONDERFUL video & explaining the " euth list" as most of us were not aware.
U bring home
….awaiting 4 some 2 B adoptable 

It's okay 2 B " all over the place" so never think U need 2 apologize.
Thank you for continually explaining that shelters that euthanize are not the problem they are an unfortunate part of rescue. “No kill” shelters can only exist because they can turn on the no vacancy” sign. The two models are teammates not enemies.
The problem is breeders and irresponsible non committed owners.
People who work in animal rescue don’t want to euthanize.
This is why any shelter with connections to souls like Lee’s are so fortunate. They LOVE handing him all the babies they can.
Thank you

What a beautiful heart you have to save these dogs and all they want is to be loved. You are a great human being and thank you for saving these guys!
It's so fricken cute, when she drops the ball and looks straight down at it for a few seconds like saying : "there it is , see?, now throw it so i can fetch"
Elsa is gorgeous! Thank you so much for giving her a beautiful life. Our world is a much lovelier place with you in it. Thank you Lee for rescuing all of the beautiful babies you give a wonderful life to. What a beautiful heart you have.
Just got my 2024 Asher House calendar and Mugsy died??!
I don't remember seeing a video about that.
Would love an update on Matilda.
What a damn shame to waste a beautiful heart . So much love
Lee, we have soul connections with our pets, as with our children, yes we love them all, it has to do with our past lives. My beautiful stepdaughter Gabriella checked out and a year later, she came back to me in the body of Mariam, my fur baby, I rescued her in Miami. There are no coincidences. They choose us, as our children do before they choose to come back. There are 3 Kingdoms, mineral, plant and animal, I have been shown and believe. Children and animals are, here to teach us!
Love You All