10-week-old Australian Shepherd puppies hone their herding skills.
Tune in Saturdays @ 9pm on Animal Planet | For more visit http://animal.discovery.com/tv/too-cute-kittens/#mkcpgn=ytapl1
10-week-old Australian Shepherd puppies hone their herding skills.
Tune in Saturdays @ 9pm on Animal Planet | For more visit http://animal.discovery.com/tv/too-cute-kittens/#mkcpgn=ytapl1
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This is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen! My heart!
Playful Guardian Angels 😍👌
These little fluffy puppers <3
Finn's bark, so cute!
Finn is interested on those ducks, is a very small discoverer
105 trolls.
My Rotti Aussie herds my family ☺️ especially the kids. It’s great when I want everyone inside/outside or in there room or something. They are wonderful beings 🧡
Have their tails been docked? They shouldn't be!
104 cats disliked this video
I have a brown mini Australian shepherd like the one who's name was finn but the on I have is named yogi bear
finn: get away from my bowl you feathered bullies
duckling: oh yeah? make us
finn: MOM!! Larry, Curly, Moe, and Shemp are drinking my bowl
(mom comes)
Moe: Uh oh, better amscray fellas
Curly: Whoop woop woop woop
These puppies are so cute! I love them so much!
Too cute.
Is someone cutting up onions in here?
Those guys are so cute!
97 people must have been herded.
omg to cute!
An Aussie will heard anything! 🙂
Those who disliked this video…. I think there is no hope…. They are gone, they lost the ability to reconise cutness. I am sorry for the loss… 😉
i love hes puns i love hes puns
that puppy was so freaking cute, I want hug him and squeeze him and call him George.
my heart just pooped its pants
Im very concerned about the 92 weirdos who gave this a thumbs down. They need a head doctor.
Until something big happens… 🙂
aaaaaaawww <3 can i pleaaase have one ??? 🙁
This is duckling adorable
Son of a bitch this is too cute!
for fuck sake it isn't arrseee
84 kittens on youtube
it is too cute <3
79 dislikes….who would dislike a heartwarming video like this?