The Big Good boy Puppy Dog Bowser has another day of adventures of being a giant who always loves a treat and attention. It’s not easy being giant but Bowser does it well! Please like and pupscribe to support Bowser and his adventures!
If you’re looking for a funny dog video to watch, then look no further! In this funny video, my big Mastiff dog Bowser has another day of cute antics and bamboozles. Watch as the big boy Bowser gets all the love and gives all of it in the cutest ways in his giant existence, and enjoy the funny dog adventures along the way!
Mi,e scîrbă !😱👎🏿😱
Cîinele o adulmecă ! Sta mult si îi miroase mîna si apoi se repede ,are contact vizual cu ea ,apoi se repede ,pt ca ea îi incuviinteaza ca are voie ,zicînd OK ! GUD BOY !👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👺👺👿👿👿👹👹👹👹😱😱😱😱😱😱
La un moment dat ,ciinele va simti ca e teritoriul lui intre picioarele drei ,si nu va putea lua nimeni de acolo decit daca va fi împuscat ! Auziti deja cum mîrîie ,si cum respira ! Nu va mai putea nici ea stapina ciinelui sa nu,l mai primească ! ALO , FATĂĂ , ÎȚI DAI SEAMA CE FACI !?👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱👹👿👺👾💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
Hihihihi 😅😅😅
😢It's disgusting to watch you play with your dog.How long have you been practicing?
Is something not working out with your boyfriend?Have you decided that it’s much better with dogs?Well, what will you name the kids?
Женщина готова на все
D & D
7çççcvtg ftt
Sakias you si
Oi linda gostei muito de você
Seriously 😮
my fault,
She's possessed for sure. Not funny at all.. Kindly, protect the next current generation and the next generation pls..
You know it's wrong to have sex with animals
Até o cachorro fica maluco. Hummm…
Give it
I dont see a women sharing her bed in a female dog. Always male Sharing your bed in male and big dog is dangerous to your health
E muito fofinho os Animais e tão carinhoso Eu Adoro cachorrinho
O carinho que nós da para ele
Ele transmite o mesmo para nós
dog is as a persons❤❤❤
You don't tease dogs like that, they think One way.
Теперьше понятно для чего нужна собака дома не охранять оказывается а куни делать😅пипец сдыд и пазор
Anna 0l
If, I was a dog with you, 😎😎😎😎
Me gusta
Everything 6❤😂😮😢🎉😅😅🎉😊
You shoot with the dog Vaby is so desperate 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
এই লুচ্চা লুচ্চামি করলে কি শরম লাগে না 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Que delícia vc
niajir mie hy kaz
Zjlwmifeowojw so EO so I don't uwpna re hheibhlol. Love that wonsigd🎂🎂🎂🎂
Why those types of you guys you liked to pick up the animals end your playing with it?