Beneath the icy waters of a Norwegian cave, a gripping saga unfolded on February 6, 2014. A diving expedition turned tragic, affecting five Finnish divers, with two facing an uncertain fate and three others grappling with decompression sickness. Their journey, captured in the riveting documentary “Diving Into The Unknown,” is a testament to bravery and the indomitable human spirit.
The GoPro camera which was attached to one of the divers recorded the moment disaster struck.
Further details and credits:
Tekst: Lars Christian Wegner | Foto: Fredrik Solstad, Janne Suhonen, Patrik Grönqvist og Sami Pakkarinen | Grafikk:Sondre Nilsen, Dan Kåre Engebretsen, Simen Grytøyr
Text: Lars Christian Wegner | Photo: Fredrik Solstad , Janne Suhonen, Patrik Grönqvist and Sami Pakkarinen
Graphics: Sondre Nilsen , Dan Kåre Engebretsen , Simen Grytøyr
VGTV: Patrik describes the rescue dive
Diving into the Unknown (original title Takaisin pintaan) is a 2016 Finnish film directed by Juan Reina.
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Music by:
Kevin MacLeod
Emmit Fenn
Rage Sound
Gnarled Situation by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
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Copyright © 2023 MrDeified. All rights reserved.
#mrdeified #deified
#caving #diving
Also Mr Deified
Why go where no man is supposed to be?😢some places on earth are meant to be untouched
You’d find me dead in two inches of water and this guy would be there telling everyone I couldn’t swim.
There were so many signs showing them not to do this .. And still did it. I don't get it
Kai is what happens when you cross a serial killer with a cave diver. 🙄🙄
My two worst fears are being buried alive, and cave diving. I like to think that cave divers expire more quickly though.
Don't have children and do these dangerous "sports." It's so selfish. It makes me even more mad these ppl don't think about those who will have to risk their lives finding their bodies. One wrong move or choice and your a dead man. I've watched so many of these and it seems many of them could have been prevented. Experience means nothing a lot of the time. It's simple mistakes that could have been prevented. The reason I get angry is that these people have so much to live for. I would never want this to happen to anyone. It's tragic.
Having to do that slow ascent knowing your friends are dead has to be the worst feeling in the world.
Go to Bushman's in Africa.
If you're called Jari, don't cave dive.
This more so sounds like this dude was bad luck and death was chasing him every where he went… I take signs like that very serious and he seemed not to
Kai couldn’t give up cave killing?
After seeing 3 people die I think its about time you start living a normal life?
5 minutes means 1 hr 15?????
Man, humans come in all varieties. The fact that this is fun to anyone blows my mind. I would rather go back in time and charge across no mans land in World War One than have to go diving in a cave like this.
Full stop after that many deaths tied to one guy he should be under a murder investigation. Some of the deaths are highly suspicious, and dude just straight up should not be allowed back in the damn water.
Love these videos even though I get anxiety every time I watch them. Big respect to cave divers
Why are people like this?
The only cave I have been in is Cave Shepherd on Broad Street. 🇧🇧
Your narration and infographics very dignified.
I'm not going to imagine doing the thing your said in your intro. Guess what else I'm not gonna do…?
Wow seriously? I would be terrified to dive after that!
Main question: WHY?!
The first 11 seconds then add a high probability of drowning to go somewhere to see nothing that will add any value to your life…and people pay and travel to do this. C'mon people, a little risk assessment or just jump already lol
cool stories i'm starting my cave diving journey this month wish me luck
If Kai call you up to go cave diving, you know what to say…😮
Thumbs up if you are listening to this at 2x speed
Going diving in open water is asking to die.. going cave diving is wanting to die.
Don't go cave diving, definitely not with Patrik
What baffles me the mist is that there are completely empty smh. I always thought caves were vibrant ecosystems, with lots of plants, fungi, fish, molluscs, crabs etc in them but these… there is nothing in there exept water, rock and sand. They are completely hostile to life…
Kye is a sick killer
That dude needs to stop diving he's bad luck killing to any people
Just came across your channel. Great story telling!
The visuals help so much!
just so i understand this correctly: the two who died were not actually stuck without recourse or in an acute danger situation, but they both panicked and exerted themselves so much that their breathing apparatuses made them act in an erratic manner and then they drowned? so if they wouldn't have used rebreathers but normal air tanks, this wouldn't have happened? i don't really understand why the first one actually panicked. seems like he was freed by his friend
Cave diving is am extremely hazardous sport, more hazardous than sky diving.
Planning a cave dive with anyone associated with ONE diving fatality involving negligence should limit the diver to cave diving in well explored spots.
Seems like Kai is bad luck and can't take a hint
Kai would eventually meet the same faith . I hope it doesn't come to that but seeing his action and judgement makes feel he lost his mind. Normal sea diving is beautiful enough for me ! Losing friends like that would scar me for rest of my life but he is treating his friends life like a game . Pathetic
Dude sounded like a UNDERWATER serial kiIIER
Brilliant story telling and footage! Love the maps too but it is a bit confusing at times, like at 13:57 when you say Kai is last but he's first on the animation? Or at 10:11 they are at the deepest point of the dive and not the 90° bent.
Hope i don't come accross as nitpicky your content is awesome, it was just hard to follow on these parts.
As someone who never says no to any kind of adrenaline related activity- and there are a few that I have done that I have regretted but since then wanted to do again- except caving— that shit was one and done for me even though it was an amateur cave (only few squeezes) and we had some experienced cavers from college doing it with us NEVER AGAIN
This is a claustrophobic nightmare 😱.
2:47 I can't be the only one who is ignorantly suspicions Yari had more to do with the deaths than believed, right?
These people are so selfish. They have families who love them but they don't care it's all about themselves. Selfish people.