I decided to cut through the park after I got off work until I saw this…and make sure you like comment and share this video….and …
I decided to cut through the park after I got off work until I saw this…and make sure you like comment and share this video….and …
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This guy does not tran his dog
That's so scary like fr if my dog was in sum like this I would be so scared
Skinny white arms have no strength
This is why my brothers pit bull is in dog heaven because he wouldn't let the other dog go and he wouldn't listen to my brother n that made my brother pissed at him . He sent him to the shadow realm. When asked why he said because I feed it and raised it and it still disobeyed him. My brother said if u cant control your dog then he's not yours
Was that the chomp of 87?! 🤑😳
Fuck pitbulls.
Animals being animal. Its normal
Why Islam prohibited Dog
I saw a dude stop a bad dog attack by shoving his thumb in the dogs ass, that dog let up instantly. Weird as fuck but idk this is why I do not walk my dog since we moved to the city.
Porque la gente no reacciona??
when you’re liberal and don’t carry anything to protect your self or your pet 🤦🏻♂️
Worst dog ever imagine what it can do to a toddler or any child 😢
does someone know what happened after? did the dog make it??
Is that a Pitbull?
Just asking.
Does anyone know how this turned out? I read that sticking ur finger in dogs ass makes them stop.
This video sucks. What happened to the dog? Did it live?
These dog owners have no business owning animals.
Maldito dueño estupido
Where the rest?
Stupid bull owners. Never walk your dog without jaw toy cuz you never know.
new york s man to stupid
Hijos de su put4 madre el que no puede dominar al perro
Obviously cuddling the dog wasn’t effective
А что там на видео😢😢😢😢😮
Cuando no suelta el perro, ahi es donde lo unico que queda es afixiarlo para que pierda el conocimiento, ya que por mas que le pegues en donde sea, cara, en los testiculos, estomago etc, no sueltan.
Idiot owner
It's always a shit bull.
Hey mstr uh I tink tat yu shued kam dawen or I will come wth ta guns both 💪/🥋
I really appreciate the owner he's actually trying to help the others out❤❤
Это мёртвая хватка , а это значит что собака неможет сама открыть челюсть
Call animal control
Estúpido perro pitbull
Gak penting , anjing memang anjing , jancok
So sad to watch. Owner is sorry, is on his knees that are already bleeding, is willing to risk being injured himself. He’s trying. We don’t know what exactly happened. Its a bad bad situation. Hope it ended and they could help the other doggo, surely was bleeding a lot. I don’t understand why it happened.
I bet most comments don’t even own a dog and they don’t know how hard it can be to restrain a dog from a fight like this trained or not. They can be so unpredictable and at that moment what can you really do??
I just don’t understand people who take dogs they know they can’t control/over power, to public spaces.
No ones ever got a gun…
Pathetic. These people should never own dogs ever… if they can’t even control them and be responsible, forget about it
Sigan criando sus horribles perros
Deja wue se defienda no mamen ña esta so.etiendo el puto humano jalando en correa y el perro wue muerde pinches pe dejos
What dog breed was the attacker?
Please tell me that two dogs are safe and alive and they stopped fighting and is the victim are ok ? Please he's crying from pain 😢
Was the dog ok
Segura no focinho superior mas segura firme e não toca no inferior não.
Depois falam que esses animais são dóceis.😑
A hard decision would’ve been made if that was my dog. Fuck endangering others. Understand a breed before getting them… not all breeds suit all people and any 🐂 type 🐶 ain’t meant for everybody.
Weird she telling you she has a kinky side!