🛑 Submit your clips: https://forms.gle/7LKzTdvHwnmZmZ439
⚫ Contact me at dashcamlessons@gmail.com
⚫ Links to the original videos:
1. Josh – — ( West palm beach, FL )
2. u/Rubyysoho801 – — [Rexing V1P Max] Honda Fit turns in front of a semi ( Moab, Utahwhen )
3. Brocklanders – https://youtu.be/6_UEp1bL8Yc — 9/8/2022 Dashcam Crash on Kennett Pike ( Kennett Pike, PA )
4. Taylor Riddiford – — ( Batavia, Illinois )
5. IndependenceGuy – — ( Monona, IA )
6. u/Rainebowraine123 – — Idiot makes an unprotected left in front of me. Car was 3k short of 500k miles. ( )
7. u/Oberon415
8. u/Higher2288
9. Andre Dimitrov – — Hit and Run. ( )
10. Friant Roulette – https://youtu.be/ORpjePv2TNc — Multi Car Crash ( Fresno CA )
11. Alen Keyboard – https://youtu.be/-0HhSANuu64 — Idiot Drunk Driver ( Monroe Washington State )
12. Anonymous
13. Everything Romeo_84 – https://youtu.be/Hh51oK7r1Ks — Saw a hit-and-run this morning!
14. Ken Carter – https://youtu.be/sKWTJz1-xO8 — ( Fort Collins, Colorado )
15. Diabloein – — ( Hammond, IN )
⚫ My socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dashcamlessons/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashcamlessons
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamlessons
⚫ Intro song:
My Country – Ben Bostick
Hi guys, in the "Best of crashes 2023" I included all of the accidents uploaded this year and it ended up more than 4 hours long. So I made this shorter one where I selected just the "good" ones.
Stay safe!
Te atya Úristen !! Mennyien nem figyelnek .!? Szörnyű .!
Szinte biztos , hogy a telefon vonja el a figyelmet ..!
It’s time USA start thinking about runabouts. So many accidents avoided.
Good video
4. они оба слушали одну волну))
i am not playing when i say i’d be avoiding that intersection in fresno like the plague…
2:30 this is why you need more trees to protect your house
10:04 Yeah but HOW?
5:10 it didn't turn to red from green my guy, it was just a very long yellow, you can tell the color tone is different from the other red on the cross street. Insurance is not going to help you in this one.
What the hell is with American drivers? They seem to make no effort to avoid crashes at all. There is a serious DNA deficiency in that country.
That's a lot of "oh my gawd!"
Have you people never heard of breaks???
The one at 8:39 they think they were going over 100mph? Are they serious? 😂 that’s nowhere remotely close to 100mph, the collision would not have been like that if that were the case. I’d guess more anywhere from 50-60mph. The driver is even letting themselves out of the car at the end lol
In your defense, #15, the stoplight did go straight from green to red. No yellow.
Injuries injured Car Tuck
Suck Cash
58. He who fights with monsters
5:16 when 2 brainlets encounter each other
This makes me even more impressed by my old toyota. Had a crash at 70kmh, hitting both the rear left side and front end, came out without any injury, and the car isnt too badly damaged
US Americans just cant drive.. it is too easy to get a drivers licence…….
2:46 Minerva by deftones spotted
Dashcam Lessons 2024 💪number one 💥
Im sorry that your pelvic broke but i am missing a leg and didn't know im tell a week and a half ago i found out i have 3 breaks on my left pelvic bone
10:08 Wdym walked away fine from that ?¿?¿?¿?
9:50 the camera car for video 28. The only idiot is you for leaving the gap so people can blindly turn out.
0:54 I was vibing intill crash
Running red lights is a thing in USA…
Most brutal car crash video is from China where car roll so hard passenger flew out window of the car.
2md,..Cops statement,..priceless
yo BMidd at 7:16 , was you listening to way of kings?
2. damn the police is useless
6. who gives a shit about the dog?
10.2 two prius nerds lmao
15. don't have a girlfriend
28. who's fault was that?
34. no, the car tried to swerve in front of the truck and he ran out of lane.
35. btsch, you're going 85 mph in the left lane for no reason. if she got hit it's game over.
42. this is why you don't drive in the left lane
@marceliamaria37 hi
0:34 and the blood
no-one was hurt guys
10.1# that one white car could of died😢
"Almost Hannover on own yard" lol after not even being in the yard and already out of the line of travel and impact way before the car even hit the tree
That prius on prius was comical
Alright was gonna watch this. But I don't need a description on every video. Jus show the wrecks. This a dumb video.!
A bunch of people used the Lord's Name lightly just as a vain empty expression. Now vulgarity i.e. from vulgate or base language ISN'T a sin at ALL in fact it's NECESSARY to convey truth and in most cases today is a sin NOT to use it in this sick twisted emasculated satanic and as a result inhuman society we live in where no one's even in touch with the fact that they have blood running through their veins. Show's how not in touch with our humanity we are when we'll censor simply base language (fuck, cunt) but not using God's holy Name in vain. Also God's existence is proven. Using the Lord's name lightly without due reverence is a grave matter meaning if done deliberately and with full knowledge and consent it constitutes a mortal sins meaning if done so one suffers the loss of the life of grace in the soul …IF he or she is baptized validly in the Name of the Father and of the Son amd of thd Holy Spirit with running water otherwise they don't have the life of God in them anyway to begin with and can't gain aittance into heaven……for those who are and do such suffer hell the same even worse as they had grace working in them unless they receive absolution from a Catholic priest if ….again done with full knowledge and deliberate consent. Any way it's done is a mortal sin but it's even weightier when the holy name of Jesus Christ is used…and if you don't say anything when someone ELSE does it or post content in which it is used you commit the same mortal sin via OMISSION or tacit/passive approval. As I said God's existence is proven. Guy said " luckily". There is no such thing as luck "co"-incidence "happen" stance etc. AS God's existence is proven. Everything has a cause which is also HOW God's existence is proven let alone disproving the above lies of luck "co"-incidence happenstance etc. They've taken the proofs for the existence of God out of modern DEeducation but the proofs for the existence of God are a staple in any undergraduate philosophy tract. They're called St Thomas's 5 proofs. You can't get to Catholicism the One true faith via logic alone but the sheer existence of God and that He must, for example, be One, IS proven. Here's one. You see that things have a cause. If you don't assent to this you're simply a liar. IF you don't have a First Cause of all, Himself Uncaused, you have an infinite regress of causes of effects and never getting to the First Cause you never get in reverse logic to what you see today by necessary result of this infinite regress. The infinity (i.e. NEVER ending of causes) creates an insurmountable gap because of it's inherent infinity insurmountable to suffice for the existence of anything you see that exists and has a cause of its existence. There MUST therefore by necessity exist a FIRST Cause that is Himself Uncaused Who is God. You're welcome.
A bunch of people used the Lord's Name lightly just as a vain empty expression. Now vulgarity i.e. from vulgate or base language ISN'T a sin at ALL in fact it's NECESSARY to convey truth and in most cases today is a sin NOT to use it in this sick twisted emasculated satanic and as a result inhuman society we live in where no one's even in touch with the fact that they have blood running through their veins. Show's how not in touch with our humanity we are when we'll censor simply base language (fuck, cunt) but not using God's holy Name in vain. Also God's existence is proven. Using the Lord's name lightly without due reverence is a grave matter meaning if done deliberately and with full knowledge and consent it constitutes a mortal sins meaning if done so one suffers the loss of the life of grace in the soul …IF he or she is baptized validly in the Name of the Father and of the Son amd of thd Holy Spirit with running water otherwise they don't have the life of God in them anyway to begin with and can't gain aittance into heaven……for those who are and do such suffer hell the same even worse as they had grace working in them unless they receive absolution from a Catholic priest if ….again done with full knowledge and deliberate consent. Any way it's done is a mortal sin but it's even weightier when the holy name of Jesus Christ is used…and if you don't say anything when someone ELSE does it or post content in which it is used you commit the same mortal sin via OMISSION or tacit/passive approval. As I said God's existence is proven. Guy said " luckily". There is no such thing as luck "co"-incidence "happen" stance etc. AS God's existence is proven. Everything has a cause which is also HOW God's existence is proven let alone disproving the above lies of luck "co"-incidence happenstance etc. They've taken the proofs for the existence of God out of modern DEeducation but the proofs for the existence of God are a staple in any undergraduate philosophy tract. They're called St Thomas's 5 proofs. You can't get to Catholicism the One true faith via logic alone but the sheer existence of God and that He must, for example, be One, IS proven. Here's one. You see that things have a cause. If you don't assent to this you're simply a liar. IF you don't have a First Cause of all, Himself Uncaused, you have an infinite regress of causes of effects and never getting to the First Cause you never get in reverse logic to what you see today by necessary result of this infinite regress. The infinity (i.e. NEVER ending of causes) creates an insurmountable gap because of it's inherent infinity insurmountable to suffice for the existence of anything you see that exists and has a cause of its existence. There MUST therefore by necessity exist a FIRST Cause that is Himself Uncaused Who is God. You're welcome.
AT 5:22 that green was a yeild for left turn so idc that it turned right to red how did you not see 3 cars coming your way
This makes me want to never get into a car again.
This could be the best car crash dashcam video I have ever seen, the explanations and info made this a perfect 10!!!
I have an arrow even tho the light was clearly yellow for 15 seconds
Autos hechos como lata de cerveza unas porquerías caras y son basura
S&S…almost every crash was caused by speeding or stupid 😮