This dude got caught, made a video apologizing with his wife and cried about it with her. LMFAO!!!
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All these AI porn addicts
Bro you know there was never an add.. wife crying cause she knows the relationship has gone down the drain especially after this 😂 but honestly, we all know dude searched that shit up, no way dep fake ads are gonna pop up with that particular streamer 😂 but onwards you skallywags, more content this made my night ghost.!
Eight thoughts youre a fucking legend
there too soft these days!
Soooo…he got caught looking at deepfake porn of another girl streamer, said girl got mad at fake porn, and this dude is apologizing for it?? Jesus H. Christ. It’s one thing of her legit nudes got leaked, but this is bullshit.
Dr. Disrespect started this nonsense. He cried a bunch on camera to keep his wife after cheating. Now it's just the thing to do. Celebrities go to rehab for sex addiction when they get caught, streamers make crying apology videos. All the same bro.
So the "big deal" there is that Pokimane is apparently one of his wife's best friends.
Heck. I would have checked it out. You got the link to the deepfake? Lmao 🤣 Pokemane = more cushion for the pushin
This has to be a pee take for real. ? For click bait on twitch to get some views?
Well I get that some women do get hurt when their significant other watches p**n that it does truly makes them cry cause it makes them feel they ain't enough. So that part I can understand. Him crying is crocodile tears.
By doing what he did he fits in with 75% of that generations train of thought so he’s not shameful about any of this heck he could have a video of him less than a child and get on There and act like he’s crying and everybody would be like it’s OK it’s OK it’s normal to do
What the fuck is this?
Fuck me.. I feel sorry for this dude.. Wife is also 2/10
lolo hahahahha
He got one star an gave up
I cryed too. with laughter when a searched it and seen tom holland gets butt fcuked 🤣🤣
she's a bigmac :'(
I don't get what the big deal is. Shit back in my dad they use to photo shop the heads of celebrities on other woman's bodies and weak men used to whack it to that.
I don't remeber Britney or Christina or rihanna bitching.
Are we really this soft and weak ?
"Crying" but can't squeeze out a single tear. Dude should be celebrated for beating it online for all his viewers.
To delete your entire self over a 2/10 and its not even the real deal. You played yourself…. literally.
That looks like his mum😂
He used nadias excuses but as long as he's not nadia, it won't work for em
Damn crying about wanking the weasel would’ve thought he was on retention lol
That guy heavily reminds me of Logan Paul's apology video about the suicide forest incident.
What a pussy wtf he whacked off to some porn big deal people get paid to do that on cam to bad he was not lol
Big Mac meal 🤣🤣
WTF did I just watch! 🤣🤣🤣 funny as fuck tho LOL! Poor little infant coddled baby children never had a hard day in there lives 🤣🤣🤣
That clip lowered my Testosterone I’m gonna start taking Tren now.
Kind of click baity. You could have atleast showed us this deep fake with all TnA blurred. So we can judge the face… I mean…..lol
Bro got caught watching porn? Who gives a F. In todays society,…. He masturbates. Wow! What a shocker 🤣. Who fucking cares
This dude PAID for distinct AI generated content of his streamer friends….thats WILD AF
He’s friends with pokimqne that’s the thing and also one of his best friends girlfriend’s I think was also on the website he constantly said people who made/watched it were creeps. The big reason he’s crying is bc he just was a big hypocrite and he just broke a lot of relationships with people he respected bc of a dumb mistake
Dudes crying over being a man L
The world is weird bro
She then goes through his history and finds the Overwatch Purn lol 😆
I will tell you what first thing I did after watching this video….searched for the pokimane deep fake
Fuck me you'd think the dude killed someone, not beat his meat.
This is like that one kid crying to his mom that he fell out of his chair with his pants down because a virus scared him when he was just beating 🥩. This guy clearly isn’t a alpha male stud muffin gaming athlete.
He’s crying for the clicks. Anything for the clicks y’all. 😂