Mr.Sandman vs Solo JT
Quality Backyard MMA, Boxing, BJJ and Kickboxing – hosted by Firechicken
Best Fights of 2023
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Outlaw Flags – https://www.outlawflags.com
HKA USA – https://hkausa.com/
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Email – Scrapyardfighting@gmail.com
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No Money involved. Pay or charging. We arent open to the public for spectating. email me if you have a reason you want to come out.
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DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT??? join our Facebook or IG and contact us. OR email us
OUR MATCHES ARE 100% LEGAL. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE 18 OR OLDER. Welcome to the Scrapyard! We are a LEGAL backyard Fight organization Located in the Pacific Northwest. We Are a Branch of the largest fight organization in the country, STREETBEEFS. The Scrapyard was created in 2020 by “Firechicken”, a former Amateur MMA fighter, Wrestling coach, and Boxer. The main branch of STREETBEEFS was created in 2008 by Chris Wilmore aka Scarface. Streetbeefs as a concept was created in order to stop street violence with it’s “Guns down, Gloves up” movement. The Scrapyard holds monthly fights in our Pacific northwest location. No money is involved in any way, we do not pay fighters or charge any sort of admission to our events. We aim to give people a place to start their combat sports journey, meet people, solve beefs, or just test out their abilities.
All sign ups are done on our facebook group only
#Boxing #streetbeefs #mma #street beefs #backyardboxing#combatsports #fights #streetfights #highschoolfights #hoodfights #fire chicken #headkick #fightsatschool #ghettofights #streetfight #fighting #fightschool #sssniperwolf #knockout #jakepaul #mrbeast #hoodfight #knockoutfights #fight #knockouts #UFC #pat mcafee #espn #agent00 #southpay #Kingofthestreets #KOTS #gash #Scarface #SOLO #jgottem #firechicken #earthling7 #Street Beef #babyhulk #beach #shinigami #bellator ALL STREETBEEFS MATCHES ARE AMATEUR EXHIBITIONS
That energy bar was on zero, before that last blow.
Is that Parker Schnabel?
Think they should let lights out do the announcements and side bar effects
Fortune cookie says, not all who own boxing gloves should attempt to box.
Kneipenschläger gegen Boxer!🎉😂🎉
Blue shorts was going easy. Great person in general.
If the guy in the green faked a jab u would catch the other dude he was just watching your arms the whole time
all heart no training lol
Bright white gloves are really easy to spot and see coming…big disadvantage !! Black gloves are far harder to see coming.
this camera SUCKS SO BAD.
you know the violence is cool and all but when are we getting the twerk offs on here
i wanna see a rematch between these two but i want them to have to prove who can shake their ass cause thats what counts
end the fighting once and for all; let us all instead celebrate the thug shakers
Two wild turkeys 🦃 going at each other 😂🤣 ,,, they both can’t fight for 💩
You have to be in shape and you have to want to win.
Tough to watch…
I felt that body shot.
Got more loops than the box with the bird on it
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This is a joke. Both fighters are so bad. Need better talent. The white kid. I could beat his ass in 30 seconds
A boxer versus a brawler.
The refs are not on top of the fighters just turning around when they’re tired and want to regroup. Seen it in many fights. It’s unfair to the other fighter.