00:00:00 – Why Putin’s Most Advanced Main Battle Tank Is A Complete Disaster
00:20:05 – How Ukraine Easily Destroyed Russia’s ‘Terminator’ Super Tank
00:38:26 – Why Russian T-90 Tank Absolutely SUCKS
01:16:52 – Why Russia’s Next Generation Tanks (T-14 Armata) SUCK
01:27:21 – Russia’s T-14 Armata Tank vs Leopard Tank
01:49:56 – US M1 Abrams vs Chinese Type 99 – Tank Battle (Military Comparison)
02:10:57 – Why Everyone is Terrified of Israel’s Merkava Tank
02:29:07 – Will This Tank Protect Ukraine
02:39:57 – How Russia Lost the Biggest Tank Battle of the War
Abrams, not Abrahams.
I once wanted to be a tank commander. After seeing war In Ukraine I decided that there is no safe place during wasabi I will just stay home m
I would'nt tell you any way even if i did know.
Your assumption that first identification is more significant than range is exceedingly questionable. What good is seeing a target if you cannot kill that target?
Geoff. Reeks
Putin is in love with the what happened in ww2..this guy is a Dreamer..
Does any of the Russian equipment live up to the hype that Putin gives it , ZERO , cause he's full of shit and a paper tiger !! when is NATO gonna put a stop to this .
it's the engine in the T14 that is the main problem so they won't be using the chassis off that!
How exactly are sanctions working, my understanding is that they have failed spectacularly. I'd love to be wrong so is anyone actually ca contest this? Please do.
Why do you think other countries not delivered any of their TANKS ,APC and IFV because they're part of the north Atlantic Treaty Organisation whose weapons have been sent to Ukraine?
And Abrahams/ leopard / Challenger are indestructible ?
on hit from a drone and they gone! Where do you get your information, Wikipedia ? 
Have you thought to compare the "Terminator' vs the various types of Striker vehicles? Just a thought. I see that the Striker is a more modular system and other countries just aren't quite there.
Putin loving India is patiently waiting for T-14s to replace crappy T-90s Indian Army has now.
This guy shows us that the Russian people know that the Ukrainian people are better than they could ever be and the Ukrainian country as a whole is on the path to be better than Russia could ever be. That is why Putin started this war because he couldn't hide the fact that Ukraine was doing better than Russia was and he knew that the Russian people would start looking at the way that the Ukrainian people are living and they would want the same out of the Russian government. That is the reason why Putin is closed off his people because he knows what is happening around the world would get his people asking him to allow them to have the same things that the Ukrainian people have. Slava Ukraine
They definitely don’t have 12,000 tanks anymore
Not in borders of Pakistan but at Ladakh with China.
I have watched every new combat video i can find coming out from Ukraine and from the start and i have only seen Russian tanks blow countermeasures twice.. i have yet to see any active protection system being used on Russian tanks, by comparison I have seen a few from Gaza already!
Why was America hesitant to send thr arbrams to Ukraine? Because they will be destroyed like the leopards and your video is just stupid. If you know tank history they all can be destroyed even the Israeli tank vs a poor terrorist group hamas. In ww2 the Russians were successful because of their mass production of average tanks namely the t34 even though they had great heavy tanks like IS and Kv class tanks.
I really love the depth of your programs, but they're getting a little too long anything over 15 minutes really begs consideration not that you don't have a lot of excellent things to say, I'm not saying that at all I'm just saying that please break it into two 15 minutes one when can be the history and development of the tank that'll take 15 minutes, and the other one will be its future, which will be another 15-20 minutes please please please . It just overwhelms
In fairness, most tanks are going to have a bad day with faced with TOWs or other Ant-tank missiles. They're not invulnerable to attack. When you're talking about tanks being lost in cities, that's down to doctrine. No tank is going to stop an RPG or other weapon designed to attack tanks when you have someone firing them from above within a city.
'The T-14 Armata is much cheaper to produce'. Yes, since it exists in the imagination, it costs nothing to produce.
Lol how can a bigger gun 125mm not Penetrate the m1a1 some bs
Laser weapons will change the drone weapons… CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? …