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Vlog follow up on Daddy Longlegs: http://youtu.be/0JK2dR8ei5E
Special Thanks: http://www.bats.org.uk/
Also, Dinosaurs Attack cards: http://www.bobheffner.com/dinosaursattack/
Help support videos like this: https://www.patreon.com/cgpgrey
Vlog follow up on Daddy Longlegs: http://youtu.be/0JK2dR8ei5E
Special Thanks: http://www.bats.org.uk/
Also, Dinosaurs Attack cards: http://www.bobheffner.com/dinosaursattack/
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Some animals like dogs sometimes jump off of high stone bridges, because they think they're not tall and there's just grass on the other side (because they can't see the other side), and something similar could have happened to lemmings once or twice
Also, ostriches "hide" their heads to actually check on their eggs
your telling me the brain stays IN the frog? wow what a crazy world we live in
Fun fact: Disney was responsible for the Lemmings falling off cliffs legend.
They threw a bunch of lemmings of a cliff.
At least it's more entertaining than what their movie animators put out.
The story of lemmings is very fucked up because the researchers who recorded that infamous video of the lemmings all charging off the cliff was fabricated by herding and forcing them off the cliff. Thanks humanity 😀
Except that this is untrue and in reality the frog jumps out
Im suprised he didn't do the very common misconception of chameleons changing colour to camouflage.
0:31 if it bites you and you die, it's venomus
If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous
i have a fear of spiders and the daddy long leg( in florida) was the spider(or spider looking) bug i encountered the most, they used to chase me around the house with a dead one in their hand, but i was never told they were the deadliest spider.(Well i always knew they wearnt spiders but i never was told they were deadly.)
That's not a daddy long legs, dll's have wings
10 years later, finally its my time to watch this.
The main reason for the "Bats are blind" misconception is, while yes, they can see things, they are notably nearsighted, and use echolocation to make up for it.
Actually day long legs can also refer to cellar spiders
1:57 Dude, you just made a Color Misconception, Green is one of three Secondary Colors(the other two being Orange & Purple), it's YELLOW that is the Third Primary Color, because you mix Blue & Yellow to make Green, where as you can't mix Any Colors to get Yellow.
Wait a second… how do frogs not die without a brain? I'm pretty sure that usually animals will die if you remove their brain. And I'm also pretty sure that a dead animal won't jump out of a pod when you raise the temperature.
Why would dogs need tl distinguish blues? Shouldn't it be better at detecting brown-ish animals (deer, elk and all of those) on a foresty background?
oh I can't believe you don't know about the documentary that was made by Disney back in the 50's that started the lemming myth. Poor little guys thrown into the river.
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Daddy long legs are Crane fly over here.
Cellar spiders are considered daddy long legs
Imagine dying because you're colorblind.
Lobotomized frogs: And that is why they keep slashing education spending.
For number 7, I’m sure this has already been brought up. But there are multiple bugs that are called “daddy long legs”, the one the myth is about is also called a cellar spider… which is non-venomous.
The lemmings myth certainly isn't because of a video game. I was reading about it in school in the early seventies. and they aren't suicidal..it's just that in their mass migrations SOMETIMES they end up dying by accident.
That bird comment isn't right, I went to my nans house and she had a goose and she touched one of its newborns and it refused to acknowledge its existence, it later died because she shunned it
Uhm, "take out their brains"? How are they alive then? You later say "lobotomize", so I guess Goltz only took out part of the brain? Which part?
Daddy long legs ARE spiders !!!
please explain
When life hands you lemmings, make lemmingade.
Man. Just don’t trust any second hand info.
Lemmings where pushed off a cliff by Disney documentary makers. Most ppl agree, that is where the myth came from.
Some guy who has a pet dog named rover will be like, “Ok rover time to go to the store “! Rover picks out a red toy:😄 the guy:😑🫥
Omg fig leaf rag in the background , love that rag
Ostrich is the closest to a raptor? Have you not seen a cassowary?
2:29 This is great
2 things about this vid
1) daddy longleggs as far as i can tell dont reffer to one species and at least one of them are spiders
2) honestly it depends on the birds, some birds will eat there babys if anything looks out of place so its safe to put MOST birds back into there nest
Wait, but if dogs can't differentiate colors except for blue how do they fetch sticks in the grass?
Hmm, I cut off this animal’s legs and it stopped walking… interesting…
Lemmings killing themselves comes from an old Disney (or possibly unrealted) cartoon/ animated movie, if I'm not mistaken.
The whole "lemmings yeeting themselves from cliffs" misconception can be for example seen in the movie "White Wilderness".
Ostriches are the closest thing to raptors? Someone's never heard of a cassowary.
And bats are so frickin cute
My entire life has been a lie! 😭
The last one was prolly because if you don't cut out their brains, they will jump out – Not because of the heat, but because they don't want to be trapped in a pot. You can try the experiment without cutting their brains out, and the result is the same – They don't experience a drastic heat change and don't worry.
As an Australian I just want to confirm that our Daddy Long Legs are spiders, do have fangs, and are venomous, but are too small to hurt humans. I assume the "myth" originated here, and spread to other countries like the US and UK, despite your daddy long legs being totally different from our daddy long legs
1:32 Assuming the parents aren't there to peck you out for "threatening" their baby. And also assuming the baby wasn't kicked out of the nest.
that frog looks very polite
“To a bat we are blind”
Did you know some blind people use echolocation? They’re bats best friends