NEW UNSEEN Actual Footage Of Miami Mall Aliens | THIS Changes EVERYTHING. This was sent to me by a viewer and shows some creepy mass emerge in the original video that went viral and NO ONE SAW THIS!
Welcome to Lainey and Ben! Our channel is dedicated to exploring the world of paranormal activity, supernatural phenomena, and all things paranormal. We share our home with a friendly poltergeist and we invite you to join us on our journey of understanding and co-inhabiting with our supernatural housemate. From ghost sightings to haunted locations, we investigate the unexplained mysteries that surround us and share our findings with you. With our EVP recordings, paranormal research, and real ghost videos, we aim to shed light on the paranormal phenomena explained. We also delve into psychic phenomena, spirit communication, and the fascinating world of demonic possession. If you’re into ghost hunting and exploring haunted places, then you’ve come to the right place! Our channel is all about sharing true ghost stories and supernatural encounters that will send shivers down your spine. So come along with us as we uncover the mysteries of the paranormal world. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more! #paranormalactivity #ghostsightings #poltergeists #hauntedlocations #supernaturalencounters #realghostvideos #unexplainedmysteries #paranormalinvestigation #paranormalevidence #psychicphenomena #demonicpossession #trueghoststories #ghosthunting #EVPrecordings #supernaturalphenomena #apparitions #spiritcommunication #hauntedplaces #paranormalresearch
We don’t claim for this to be real and all of our videos are for entertainment purposes
The content of this video on our YouTube channel includes depictions of paranormal activities that we have witnessed or researched. However, please note that these events are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not intended to be taken as factual or scientific evidence of the paranormal. We do not endorse or support any claims or beliefs related to the existence of the supernatural or paranormal phenomena. Please use your discretion and critical thinking when viewing this content. Thank you for watching our channel.
Did you spot this in the initial video? This completely blew my mind! Don’t forget to send me anything you want me to cover 👽
So far your channel has more footge than the other ones that I have seen! Great job Ben!
It's kind of hard to see the videos when you put the comments next to them because some of us are watching this on our phone
if the alien is invisible he would be crawling on all fours because if he was running on his two legs he would look like a mirage kind of like looking thru a hot mist, he might be able to be zeroed in on!
More diatribe, nothing to see move along folks just more regurgitated nonsensical horse—-
In a world of phones that record in 4K at 60 frames a second every "alien" video is blurry and easily manipulated..
People getting excited about the same demons that have been plaguing the earth since satan was kicked out of heaven !
Wake up & Pray !
Shadows and rasterization/interpolation
I wanna believe but…
The Person on the Building was an Arch Angel ❤
My opinion. Where are these kids that had this box. They seemed to know what all this about. Not everyone knows how to open portals. The three that caused this have the ability to open these portals. It's the demonic realm. Jesus has already won. AMEN.
Anyone can FOIA request the footage from any of the dash cams from any of these Police vehicles.
Funny how we have 4k recordings of every single random thing of no absolute interest popping g up on social media's all the time recorded by people constantly, yet when it's an alien we are back to the 3 second 240p video footages… lol. Wheres the police body cams at least for example
Thats the helicopter shadow
Lights from the cars
The "gReY sHaPe Or MatTeR" is the shadow from the heli.. jfc. Looks just like the shadows ya see everywhere else in the vid. This dudes head looks like the younger version of the old dude from UP if he wore a toupee.
Nighttime shadows of some sort, light can play tricks on the eye
This dudes intro sounds like a Jaystation video.. or atleast from what ive seen of Jaystation videos in clips of ppl callin him out lmao
This guy wants you to send your clips so he can “have a look at it” and possibly feature it on his channel. So he can bank from views of your original footage, and you should thank him when/if it gets played on his channel.
The last video was definitely not sufficient. A narrative is being given to us while being told to look at unclear images. Too much going on. Too many breaks in the video. Too many late videos. One of the dudes used the word "REDONE" instead of a more suitable word. Redone mean it was "done." Made up. Created. Then redone, remade, recreated.
Why police wasnt swarming there?
Dude tryna get subscribers
Rent is probably due
He needs us to click like
Too much going on
What a waste of 10 minutes I'll NEVER get back. Thanks…
Wait a min. Dude said "20,000 subscribers and I'll post more." Really?? Hah. Yeah I'm calling BS. Not on the entirety of the situation, cause there's definitely far more to our world than we'll ever know. But to basically hold the video/info for ransom, (for likes and subscribers), talk about capitalizing. 😂
I dont believe anything in the age of a.i. but i know multidimensional beings exist. Im am offspiring of one. I cant wait yo return home. Yall earth is strange, weird and delusional.
That could have been a helicopter or the shadow of the drone flying
Hey, Ben…..Thanks for all you do! You do an excellent job breaking down footage. I am gonna slip something in here to look at for possible parallel – government and project blue beam. It's no conspiracy – technology kept from us is mind-numbing. 😏and it's always in your face i.e. books, The Simpsons etc It isn't coincidence subjects deemed conspiracy theories are always truth in the end. While I don't believe everything on videos/pictures due to editing, when you get close to facts you're labeled crazy – more reason to keep fighting. It's a weapon keeping people from learning about it. Just sayin'. Soldier On, Bro!!!! ⚔
With all these new phones with superb cameras why couldn't someone take a clear picture and or video. This is all a hoax but fun to watch.
Was not me… 🤷🏻♂️
this is all coming from the CERN portals if you dont know about CERN youre lost bro
Now you guys are forcing the your brain to see something out of nothing😂😂😂😂😂😂
Smoke from the exhaust of black car
3 D that's all just the start
Also aliens are water tanks or power boxes on buildings
This video is stupid. It’s a shadow.
Yes aliens are shadows
As far as I know nobody was hurt, right? If so, I think that's very significant.
Aliens have been visiting earth for millennia. The one thing that earth has that no other planet has in our solar system is the most stable & reliable source of energy in its purest form. PLASMA from our earths core. That's the reason why the keep coming to fuel their craft. Our planets nuclear reactor core is their source of energy. The reason why they showed up on new years day is because pur treaty is about to expire. That's also the reason why all over the world we experienced earth quakes on new year's day! large spacecraft that are not visible to the human eyes refuel create large voids in the earth's core causing earthquakes all over the planet!
This is happening earth's core is the 1 thing we know practically nothing about. Other than its full of liquid plasma which is a zero point energy source waiting to be discovered & used to save our planet!
Buckle up its going to get rough sightings are common all over because it's getting closer to the deadline of full disclosure & time for us to accept that were not alone!
1:33 YES I SAW THAT YHE OTHER DAY AND COMMENTED ON IT!!!! I’ve studied this clip and there is NOTHING that could’ve caused that shadow.
They are demons not aliens
Just a distraction 🤭🫢
I immediately lost trust in that King Sosa guy because he will only release the footage he claims to have AFTER he hits a certain follower count. If disclosure was his purpose, why is he waiting around?
Um why you needx 20k followers to show the proof gtfoh. If you post the truth the followers will come
Ok none of this makes any sense. There is a camera that is moving way too fast and there are like a thousand things to be looking at and an arrow that is pointing at a hundred different things. It’s just a conglomeration of stuff with no real way of understanding what you are supposed to be looking at. Circle something, outline something, be more specific please.