What Just Happened On Our Earth!!! January 2024 #Naturaldisasters part.1

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#Weather update today
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#Planetary & Seismic Update
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Natural disasters are unforeseen events caused by nature for nature and usually cause great damage to humans, property and the environment. Examples of this are hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, forest fires and volcanic eruptions. These events can be reinforced by natural processes and by the influence of humans. It is important to prepare for possible natural disasters and take appropriate protective measures in order to minimize the effects.

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About the Author: World of Signs


  1. You can feel that quake was one of the spiritual shakings of God. Jesus said there would be many earthquakes in diverse placed that would get more frequent and more intense as we get closer to the return of Jesus Christ. And then we see in revelation there's a huge earthquake that shakes the entire earth at once causing the whole earth to be jarred and shaken violently. Everyone, you need to turn to Jesus NOW, not later…. when everything starts going down you won't have time to think about getting close to God, don't wait until you're running for your life to pray. Believe that Jesus is the son of God who came to earth in the form of a man to bear your sin and shame and take the punishment of sin, that you deserved, on the cross for you, to pay the price and ransom for your sin to purchase you back to God the father and reconcile you to the Holy Living God, and believe that God raised Jesus from the dead on the third day and he ascended back into heaven seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus loves you, he is your advocate and judge, he is better than any friend and life itself. Jesus is the lover of your soul. God does not want anyone to go to hell, sin sends you to hell, but you don't have to go there because Jesus payed the price for your sin so that you can be free and spend eternity in heaven one day, but you must believe in what Jesus did for you. If you will believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is your savior and Lord you will be saved!

  2. Jesus warned of all these things REPENT(Acknowledge your a sinner)

    and have a genuine remorse for sinning against God, BELIEVE with all

    your heart that Jesus IS the Son of God, that He died for all your sins

    paying the price in full the price that we ourselves should pay and that

    He ROSE from the dead the 3rd day, seek the Lord for forgiveness of

    your sins. CONFESS your sin with your mouth and a humble heart and

    receive the Holy Spirt and Jesus as Lord and Saviour over your life, be

    BORN AGAIN in Christ and be Saved, put all your FAITH & TRUST in the

    Lord, then go into all the world spreading the Gospel of Christ to all people

    and follow the Lord and all His Commands. God bless all who read and

    heed these words.πŸ•ŠπŸ™β€πŸ‘‘

    .This is the gospel of Christ: .

    John 3:16

    ROMANS 3:23-24

    ROMANS 5:8

    Colossians 1:14-15

    ROMANS 6:23

    Ephesians 2:8-9

    Matthew 4:17

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4

    Romans 10:8-10

    John 14:6

    John 14:15-16

    ACTS 2:38

    For whosoever will believe, shall be saved & JESUS CHRIST will

    raise you up unto Himself at the last day this is the Lord's

    promise to All who will BELIEVE in HIM. John 14:15-16 then take

    up your cross and follow Jesus and keep His Commandments.

    Matthew 22:37-40 GOD bless all who read these words. πŸ•ŠπŸ™

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