Snow started falling across Metro Vancouver Thursday afternoon, and reports of spun-out vehicles and potentially lengthy travel delays for commuters quickly followed.
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When all Tax money is being sent to Ukraine and Israel.
Wimps cheers from Montreal.
The walking dead will sort themselves out
Vancouver gov has no ability to solve the snow problem, these incidents happen every year, but nothing looks better.
Goodbye Vancouver drivers driving 20 over in narrow ass roads
Ready for snow again will start Wednesday early morning
Liberals Just dont know how to Drive.
Transit buses don't have snow tires . They should .
proves that canadians cannot drive. stay safe and practise.
I’ve been in Vancouver when it snowed. My friend was beyond clueless, no offence, as to how to drive in even a skiff of snow. I gave her a driving lesson.
All drivers should be trained in winter driving and snow tires mandatory.
It is always so funny when the west coast gets a dump of snow. It is like everyone forgot how to drive.
When they are renting out a car that is going north it is to have winter tires not bald summer tires and yes, they knew the car was going to Quesnel but after they told them they had to take it to Grand Prairie to return it well let's just say The bald tires did not make it to Grand Prairie!
hongkouver drivers strike again
Here in British Columbia as of October 1st you must have winter tires or carry chains but Vancouver they don't do it. Matter of fact their vehicle rental companies don't either. They have bald summer tires on! They need to be shut down!!!
hardly see any snow plows on the road, cheap lower mainland govs
Not a big shock. When they drive in all seasons it only figures. Can't fix stupid.
Love the annual Vancouver bumper car season events!
Snow tires help
lol. Oh the poor southerners. -39 in PG -49 with windchill.
This happens every . single . year. Hilarious, hope there's no tragedies. from Down East, where we have snow tires.
That's why you need a snow tire on and prepare ahead in the winter season. Ppl have no common sense still using all-season tires they don't help. Better to stay home don't create trouble outside 😂😂😂
Silly Goose 👎
Such horrible drivers in Vancouver
New comers probably.
Every single year! 🤷🏻♀️ it’s canada eh….. winter arrives the same time every year for millennia…… & with winter comes cold temperatures & snow, ice & sleet…… and everyone forgets winter driving protocols 🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
Climate change is to blame
Snow tires they work
There’s always that guy wearing a hoodie and shorts in winter 3:29
Is it too risky to travel ?
i am very entertained and enjoy this
There was warning of snow 3 days before it was lifted.
They want this to push climate change lockdowns.
Why the panic? Everyone knew it was coming. I always end up wondering where people's commonsense lurks during weather like this. Sister works on the dock but not today.🙂 And why the big concern for the homeless. They are choosing to stay out there.
A lot of blowing snow hahaha
Is that an RS6 at the start of the video ?
Vancouver ppl are the worst drivers in snow…there like a dog on rollerskates
Laughs in Calgarian 😂
I drove from Whistler to Vancouver with zero issues. I listened to AM 730 & it sounded like the world was ending due to 2cm snow that immediately packed into glare ice in specific areas.
That’s because nobody is Canadian in Vancouver and they cannot drive. Fact. Areas heavy with Asians will cost you more in car insurance. Fact.
0:22 "even though there was plenty of warnings " 📉
All liberal/ Ndp drivers. driving just like the Economy.
As soon as it snows in Vancouver no one can drive.
A few flakes and total chaos. Pathetic. Notice if any have snow ❄️ tires. Duh!!! Slow down when there are icy roads.
Thank you for the out and a boat 😊
If they don't heed warnings or have proper tires, their fault!