Dog Stays With Mom Who Just Had Surgery #Shorts

Dog Stays With Mom Who Just Had Surgery #Shorts
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Hello everyone, I have been involved in stray dog rescue for many years, and I have always provided public welfare assistance at my own expense. Caring for stray animals, caring for every life that should not be given up, I hope everyone can subscribe, like, share and support us, so that we will have more confidence to continue to rescue dogs in need
#straydog #rescue #dog

We also hope that through our videos, more people can pay attention to these poor lives and participate in our actions
Dog Stays With Mom Who Just Had Surgery #Shorts
#straydogs #rescue #dog


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About the Author: Bro Long Stray Dogs Shelter


  1. 천사들이 구나 아이들에게 깨끗하고 쾌적한 공간과 깨끗한 미용과 깨끗한 목욕을 따뜻한 사랑을 부탁합니다 태어난 육신은 잠깐이지만 선과 악의 영혼은 영원하며 아름다운 영혼은 영원하답니다 도와주세요 부탁합니다 감사합니다 수고하세요

  2. Pobre 🐕🐩 p3rrita tan chiquita y ya sufriendo en las calles c9n sus cavhorritods x culpa de algun 💔🙈 malvado q. La abandono grasias xrescatarla con sus bebres 😅😊 ☺️😊 ydarle ❤️😍 nueva vida ñ

  3. Thank you for being kind and caring to the mother dog and her cute puppies by rescuing them to save and change their life.The puppies and their mother are happier, more comfortable and secure in each other's company. Thank you for getting the needed treatment for the mother. I hope she gets better soon so she could look after the piuppies better. God bless you with everything that you need to keep up with your good work.

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