If The Drone Didn’t Capture This, No One Would Believe It

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Witnessing all things from the ground didn’t help us get all the details …but through drones, we can now capture implausible and astounding fantasies of the ocean or thrilling and perplexing sights from land…hang on as here the unbelievable drone captures that no one would have believed if they were not filmed

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About the Author: The Squeezed Lemon


  1. We've still never even seen a clear pic of Bigfoot or seen any dead relatives in the woods, and no sightings of lochness monster in awhile either

  2. How in the hell ( the man running along the road an then suddenly disappears) can that ( what you're seeing) be clever editing! Video don't lie! Ask yourself, why would go through the trouble of videoing something like this only to fucking edit it later, for what?! You people (the host of these channels)need to stop saying "is this a hoax" none of it is a hoax, maybe you need to get out there an experience some of these events for yourself, an then you be your own judge!

  3. Thank you! A man after my own heart! I couldn't have said it better myself – with today's technology, how come cameras on phones are never clear when it comes to these cryptid videos, it's either that the video isn't clear, the person who shooting the video is scared…

  4. To squeezed lemon who did you get copyright permission to use the two angels in the beginning of this video here you posted? I need to get permission too. Please help? Ty

  5. Just Seen this video and already paused a minute in. Seen that video before, multiple times, it’s just a prank that was made for a local folklore in that area. Seeing that there was no research done I’m doubtful of the rest of the video so I’m not going to watch the whole thing. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. I tell you what this drone technology they're going to be able to get stuff that they couldn't get before and that's what's happening. Gave you a 👍👍.

  7. I think that when you change the frequency of the Earth with the 5G it's throwing off all creatures in the water and on shore 5G lowest the frequency that all people and animals are used to

  8. Come on, we all know all of this is totally bullshitt, it's for entertainment only. If it was for real with all of this technology we have wouldn't SOME of these PICTURES,or VIDEOS be clear? Why are ALL of them FOGGY or BLURRY?

  9. I didn't know that China had elephants, are they not from India or Indonesia or somewhere like that cause I really don't think there are Chinese elephants
    but I could be wrong

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