Our old friend Jersey is back and in need of another session with Dr.Doug.
Watch Jersey previous videos here:
Make sure to follow and support Bergen Country Horse Rescue at
Follow @dr.doug_animalcracker on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dr.doug_animalcracker
HOW TO MASSAGE YOUR DOG is Dr. Doug’s beginner-friendly course that takes you step-by-step and teaches you everything you need to know about massaging your dog so that you can create a deep lifelong bond and heal both of you along the way! http://howtomassageyourdog.com
*Dr. Doug’s “Collagen for Horses” on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3nfm3o2
*Here is a pet nail clipping drill that I like: https://amzn.to/3uaKbcH
Dr. Doug Willen, THE ANIMAL CRACKER is also a NYC Chiropractor, and Clinical Nutritionist. He’s been practicing full-time in New York City for over 25 years. Check out House of Chiro: https://www.youtube.com/c/DrDougWillenHouseofChiro
For business inquiries: drdoug@ellify.com
If you want to come in for an appointment in NYC:
Dr. Doug Willen
78 5th Ave
Floor 3
NY, NY 10011
#animalchiropractor #chiropractor #animals #horserescue #horse #chiro #animalrescue
The leading organization, in my opinion, that has Veterinarians and Chiropractors that become Animal Chiropractors is the Animal Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) They have a website with a “Find a Doctor” tab/database: https://www.animalchiropractic.org
This a good resource for all that are looking for a well trained doctor near them.
Filmed and Edited by Kris Colavecchio
Instagram: @kriscolavecchio
Have you ever treated a horse that had Wobblers? What can be done for a horse with that diagnosis and what are their chances of having a quality life?
Thank you darlings…I'm saying thanks darlings for the horses and any other babies you have there … Blessings darlings………😊
Jersey is a beautiful boy. Thank you for making him feel better.
Beautiful Jersey❤
I’ve named my Turkoman horse Jersey in the video game Red Dead Redemption 2.
My celebrity crush grows even bigger. That getting choked up, got me right in the feels. I love this channel.
Great job everyone ❤
Welldone ❤
Dr. Doug you are serving your purpose…Thank you for all you do in helping relieving pain…we love ya ❤️
Well done everyone, and Doug love action replays. Lol😊😊😊😊😊
you do dancing too
Hey Doc I walk like that right after a few shots of Whiskey (Johnny walker black 🖤)
I love all your videos, but especially these horse adjustments😍Jersey looks like a lovely horse, thank you for helping him!
Horses in general are abused not deliberately lack of knowledged
Amish beat their horses up no care. Lived among them.
Jersey with the lip wiggles from the butt scratches, so darn cute! Thanks for giving your time and talents to these beautiful souls!
Jersey you are such a handsome horse 🐎. Dr Doug you do the best horse imitations I have ever seen. I think you could take advantage of this. A movie "Dr Doug Man Or Horse ? You Decide". Yes I think you could win an Oscar. 😅. Ok ok back to being serious. Thanks Dr Doug for all you do. Your service that you provide for all the animals is greatly appreciated. ❤. Oh and Jersey I love the color of your mane. Please send me your hair dressers number 😉.
Awwww Dr Doug 🥰 you’re such a fkn sweetie pie.
Thank you doctor for working in Jersey or on Jersey excellent job like always you’re amazing and thank you Danielle excellent job also you guys are awesome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I would love to get him to play chase me
I loved this video, you guys rocked it