Rescue Horse SURVIVES KILLPEN but left in PAIN! ~ Chiro Helps!

Rescue Horse SURVIVES KILLPEN but left in PAIN! ~ Chiro Helps!
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Our old friend Jersey is back and in need of another session with Dr.Doug.

Watch Jersey previous videos here:

Make sure to follow and support Bergen Country Horse Rescue at

Follow @dr.doug_animalcracker on Instagram:

HOW TO MASSAGE YOUR DOG is Dr. Doug’s beginner-friendly course that takes you step-by-step and teaches you everything you need to know about massaging your dog so that you can create a deep lifelong bond and heal both of you along the way!

*Dr. Doug’s “Collagen for Horses” on Amazon:
*Here is a pet nail clipping drill that I like:

Dr. Doug Willen, THE ANIMAL CRACKER is also a NYC Chiropractor, and Clinical Nutritionist. He’s been practicing full-time in New York City for over 25 years. Check out House of Chiro:

For business inquiries:

If you want to come in for an appointment in NYC:
Dr. Doug Willen
78 5th Ave
Floor 3
NY, NY 10011


#animalchiropractor #chiropractor #animals #horserescue #horse #chiro #animalrescue


The leading organization, in my opinion, that has Veterinarians and Chiropractors that become Animal Chiropractors is the Animal Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) They have a website with a “Find a Doctor” tab/database:
This a good resource for all that are looking for a well trained doctor near them.


Filmed and Edited by Kris Colavecchio
Instagram: @kriscolavecchio



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  1. Jersey you are such a handsome horse 🐎. Dr Doug you do the best horse imitations I have ever seen. I think you could take advantage of this. A movie "Dr Doug Man Or Horse ? You Decide". Yes I think you could win an Oscar. 😅. Ok ok back to being serious. Thanks Dr Doug for all you do. Your service that you provide for all the animals is greatly appreciated. ❤. Oh and Jersey I love the color of your mane. Please send me your hair dressers number 😉.

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