Change your life in the next 1 hour with absolute motivation from Andrew Tate
The best moments from his interviews that will make you look at this world differently
Here you will find the secrets of how to remain effective, how to achieve success and make your first decent money
I hope this video and #andrewtate advice will be useful for you – enjoy!
Telegram: @ veretin_k (better write here)
WhatsApp/phone: +6282341804421
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirill-veretin
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/k_veretin
Here is Andrew Tate – hope you'll enjoy it!
If you trade your time for money you will fail fail fail . You must work for yourself and invest invest invest
Andrew Tate is f**king smart bro. I swear to god I have never seen any intelligence like this on planet earth. Thanks for making this video man I appreciate your content.
Tatey lost his credibility promoting Hollywood project jake bald😂
you are a true king bro, this is great
Tate is absolutely 💯 bang on. Money (currency) is the strored energy of humans. Current(cy) is an electrical term. So is a "charge".. The banks print this for nothing, but take it back from you as energy spent. The matrix is all about power and control.
You can keep your morrals, you can keep your heart, you can keep your will to protect the environment, you can keep your conchence, you can keep the will to do everything right but in today's world you have to seperate all those things from your actions it's just the way it is and things wont get any better because the majority doesn't care and the majority rules society
Wicked mash up bro. Been listening to this at work all morning
Andrew tate is legend, he exposed matrix secret society, illuminati
Thank you brother on great compilation of smart content!
Honestly really like and respect Tate. Would LOVE to meet him someday.
Biden ey
If money isn't real, then what is real? 😆😆
WTF is this…
Some people are so poor, all they have is money. – Bob Marley
Good content, well edited
i love listening to the tate brothers videos while im doing online arb. FBA and networking with people on discord.
His words pump me up, Goals for this year is to move from san francisco to Thailand and continue to do muay thai.
Hope you guys do well in 2024! LETS GO GUYS/GALS!
Identity may be the answer
Thats AMAZING! Please, more complications like this. I love that it doesn't have any music. Keep it up!
So what your explanation is make more money and be a top g .btw was that nickname made up by you ? God will dump it on your doorstep .
Thank You
I cant believe people shit all over this guy, its not about wanting to be rich or whatever material bla bla bs, this is all very solid advice to be someone your proud of.
total boss upload!!
16:47 so true
Thanks alot for this compilation
Hey Kirill, great work. I have a suggestion for you.
You could make a compilation of the most energetic Andrew Tate videos, as he is usually very engaged and energetic when he makes a valuable point, so it would be engaging and valuable for us the viewers, but your work would pay off for you too because of the retention rate, engagement with likes, subscribers hungry for more, and maybe even some comments if you put in a controversial opinion o f his haha.
I see you put in the work for this one, and I think it would pay off more if you made this idea true. I subscribed and I hope to see it in the next few days 😀
36:32 "If you want to win you have to outcompete the guy who's willing to do nothing but work"