Cats are more affectionate than you might think😍

Cats are more affectionate than you might think😍
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Cats are more affectionate than you might think😍
Have the love of a cat is to have the world – Cute ways cats show their love for owner

#dogs #pets #animal
When your dog is actually a comedian 😁


#gingercat #cats #pets #catandhuman #animals

Have fun and enjoy watching this video!😁😅


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About the Author: Ginger Cat


  1. Always been a cat person, my current two brother and sister are the best cats I've ever had in my life. My boy tabby has been my first ever male cat and we're just two peas in a pod. We're inseparable, I rough house him and he loves it. Or just endlessly needs my attention.

    I will say this if you're thinking about getting a cat , hands down no better experience as a kitten period. Disclaimer yes there's a lot of shelter cats but pure bliss experience in raising them. Absorb as much kitten time as you can cause it goes away fast.
    That said know that if u raise kittens to adulthood they are your cats you are their leader, i have to say it is not for the faint of heart to ever give them up. The pain they will experience is deep for them if you ever leave them to another. Not always but they are tied and bonded with their owners.
    They are magical little creatures..

  2. My Boy, "Big Mac" wraps his paws around my foot and then falls asleep hugging my damn foot. We LOVE our Kitty Boy.
    He's spoiled, but that's all part of the fun of having a Kitty. ❣🐈

  3. Любовь к Братьям меньшим, Самая НАДЕЖНАЯ.
    Жалко, что их жизнь, короче нашей человеческой…

  4. I've only ever had cats growing up and have three of them now, two orange tabbies and a Mainecoon Siamese mix. They are some of the most affectionate furballs you could ever have.🤗

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