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About the Author: Takis Shelter


  1. Eva sieht aus wie meine Hündin aus einer Tierhilfe in Spanien. Sie war auch sehr ängstlich, aber nun ist sie ein mutiges Mädchen. Danke für das liebevolle Video.

  2. Hello sweetheart Eva, l love your relaxed tail wag, like keeping time to a happy song that only you can hear! Charlie loves you too and so do we!!🤗♥️☘️🐾🌈☮️🇨🇦

  3. Adorable y linda Eva ,ahi tumbada tomando el sol ,, y levatando la pata trasera para que Sr. Takis le acaricie su barriguita ,(eso es sumision ,por que le esta dando la parte mas devil de ella ), ya no tiene miedo y es feliz con sus hemanos ,y el Sr. Takis ,y todos el personal del refugio .
    Preciosa Eva.
    Hola !!!!! Charlie ,gracias por taparle al Sr. Takis, la gravacion de Eva.
    Gracias ❤️🌹,Sr. Takis por todo lo que hace por los animales .
    Gracias ❤️🌹,a todos el personal del Sr. Takis Shelter .

  4. Charly he's such a special dog ! He knows when he's scaring new groups and he stays away, he waits for you outside !
    The others are jealous to see him running around you. But Charlie never provokes others even if he knows that he has advantages ! Everyone says he's the Boss, everyone respects him because he is magnanimous and gentle with those he tests like Milto, Hermis or Max sometimes ! He never uses all his strength, all his power because his mind is extremely strong, he knows how to manage hierarchical problems calmly !

    Charly is always ready to be the welcome guest, he explains to the traumatized new doggies that everything is going to be okay now, you have arrived at my Papa Takis Paradize, you are going to see, you are going to be loved, protected, you are going to find your own family dogs it will be freedom and happiness! ☺🥰😘🦁= Charly The King Of Takis Paradise 🌟🍖❤‍🔥 Everyone says he's the Boss, everyone respects him because he is magnanimous and gentle with those he tests like Milto, Hermis or Max sometimes! He never uses all his strength, all his power because his mind is extremely strong, he knows how to manage hierarchical problems calmly ! Charly love you so so much ! 💔❤‍🔥❤‍🩹❤🧡💛💚💗💙💜🤎🖤🤍🐺

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