In this video, KiKi Monkey rescues Lego Building Blocks Car of baby monkey stuck in a mud. What will KiKi do? Let’s watch the video to follow every interesting moments about him. Hope you enjoy the video and don’ forget to share with your friends!
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► See More:
KUDO ANIMAL KIKI ALL VIDEOS: https://bit.ly/42puVt3
Baby Monkey videos: https://bit.ly/3HCWN5d
Monkey KiKi go shopping: https://bit.ly/3AXG88I
Monkey KiKi swimming: https://bit.ly/3LZhAlO
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#babymonkey #kudoanimal #monkeykiki
Wow.. Amazing….👍
Why so many adds, on something meant for children, I mean really, every 2 minutes my kid is bringing it back up to me to skip ads. It's ridiculous.
My Heart Melts Watching Kiki And The Baby
Thanks for sharing!!:)) luvd it
Hey yall have a wonderful day ❤️❤️
I look forward to each up load
I know it takes you a long time to make these and I really appreciate all the time you take to make them
My Heart Melts Watching Kiki And The Baby
Can we all agree that when This channel uploads our days get better! 💖
Love yall video 😘🤩🥰
What a delightful Lego Car and two monkey!!!!
This video is clever and enjoyable!