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#FailArmy #Fails
2:19 If there is one thing that truly makes me laugh, it is watching steroid morons like these get pissed for their own stupidity xD
Pretty weak.
Moi je fais des vidéos wtf mais avec 0$ de budget et flemme le montage hein😂
Какой у вас в Америке глупый юмор
2:30 Insurance Company, You hit a whaaatt
I feel like 50% of these videos would be avoided if people just had their front doors at ground level.
"Get low"?
Is that a shoutout to Days Gone? 👍
up 😻
We should be more alert on the road. A single mistake is enough to ruin our lives.
why would you let a mentally handicapped person make popcorn over an open flame inside your house? that's not smart at all! lol
JA JA JA JA 😂😂😂😂💯💯💯
America is a nice country tbh…but ruined by stupid drivers
4:29 of course it’s a woman driver who looks like she is married to her husband for his money
That last clip is why residential buildings open inward
What is the kite at 3:06 called?
People that film in cyclops mode should be banned off every platform. We humans view the world in widescreen mode, not this vertical shite. Thats only useful for people that record their faces, when theres no need to see anything next to them or have a bigger perspective on their world.
1:47 Hope that wasn't foreshadowing…
3:40 I love the way when dogs witnesses a person wiping out, they get all excited and run over like, "Hey what are you doing? You're lying on the ground! Why are you lying on the ground? Do you need help? Is it fun? Let's play!"
2:20 good job turning an accidental small mess into a deliberate huge mess.
the clip at the 1:05 mark is my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA. I travel that exact stretch of road every weekday coming home from work
Nice video ))
It's fascinating how much more gravity there is on and around porches. 😂
That toolbox guy!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
i need support🤩🤩
He had a truly memorable shopping trip.
PEOPLE, before it gets cold, put kitty Litter on the steps to stop falls. Come on it's not rocket science!
amazed at how many morons don't know how to install a pull up bar … or use one for that matter
6:38 wow so cute and then after he asks if she is ok, you win 😇
And the never ending war of man against stairs continues
That's one misfortunate taxi driver plowing his car into Porsche.
0:40 Nobody died.
5:06 Amazing how fat people can fall without being injured. A matter of cushioning I guess.
7:28 this guy is the biggest moron on earth in that moment. It is NOT supposed to be coming out. You're not supposed to have popcorns and butter everywhere
В 2 минуты и 43 сек то там ваще аболдела
4:04 I tbh thought bro got teleported into the backrooms with how perfectly he slipped right into that hole in the ground
at 0:11, if you moped riding dudes or gals, be more aware of your soroundings and don't be that white helmet ass hole who take others lane without looking
It was amazing, I really liked it, 🤘😎🔥❤️
0:42 Hey ! Let’s build a Jenga setup for a work stand
After breaking both wrists in separate falls, I cringe when I see the terrible falls some of these people take. P.S. take a daily calcium with D3!
@2:00 You know someone truly loves you when they wait and run over to unload an epic laugh in your face
5:12 big booty bit ches dayum
Popcorn scene was stupid