Failzone is a channel that show all:
Total IDIOTS Vs TRAIN | Close Calls , Scary Train Crashes with Cars and Semi Trucks
Extremely Dangerous Heavy Equipment Fails | Huge Cranes Collapse & Demolition Excavators Gone Wrong
Crazy Bus VS Dangerous Roads | Bus Nearly Falls off Cliff, Crossing Extremely Muddy & Steep Hill
Crazy Excavators Vs Building | Demolition Gone Wrong , Building Collapses on Diggers
BIG SHIP COLLISIONS AT SEA | Ship Sinking & Stupid Captains Mistakes
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3:48 тихо, но увереено едет к цели! чух-чух-чух

SUPER CAR FAILS – Crazy Car Fails – Bad Driving Fails Compilation | IDIOT At Work Fails 2023 – Brace yourself for the most jaw-dropping and ludicrous supercar fails and bad driving moments caught on camera in 2023.
After five minutes I stopped watching.
Couldn’t take the rampant stupidity.
It always helps having a woman screaming. Really helps.
10:10 The biggest douchebag in this entire video
Вот это приколы

Вы мало умные демоны
Just stupid in most times
10:22 Portrait of an Alpha Male F'Wit.
Watching these crashes highlights the dangers of being idiots in cars. Lets all make conscious efforts to drive safely and responsibly.
Cutting off others in traffic – a skill mastered by idiots in cars.
Showing clips from other videos again
3:15 wait what is that filipinos driver!?!

13'15 j adore quand les véhicules se suicident ;D
After watching idiots in cars compilation, I appreciate defensive driving more than ever. Stay alert and avoid becoming the star of one of these videos!
¡No podía dejar de verlo! Este video sobre desastres catastróficos es informativo y cautivador. ¡Excelente trabajo!
les champions de la vitesse.
Very entertaining and thanks for not adding stupid commentary!
Połowa to debile,druga częś to disaster,ale najlepsze to jak bryki(auta) za kilka baniek (milionów czegokolwiek) z tyloma systemami anty to ,anty gówno rozbijają się przy starcie lub manewru wyprzedzania.Dla konstruktorów tych super bryk wstyd to mało idzcie się sami pogrzebać elekrtoniczni partacze !!!
Why does the men at 4:55 wearing dresses for?
Авто без мозга-как обезьяна с гранатой!!!

@13:30 " If we plan our escape, we'll be in the next city in seconds. Tell Pinky, Whitey, Blue to make sure we just go, go , go…!!!!"
Expensive Fails ? You must realize that most countries do not have auto insurance & those that do, most vehicle owners don't have it. Just because you need it to register your vehicle, people cancel it after their new tags/ license plate arrives. Thats the expensive part. No insurance equals empty pockets, law suits, unrepaired cars, etc. Not to mention the high percentage of drivers that have suspended licenses, are forbidden to drive, but still do. I won't even bore you with cell phone users. I imagine most of these videos of really stupid collisions are caused by inattentive driving. Is this you ?

Worse than drunk driving. HANG UP & DRIVE !
The annual " Crowd the Bridge Flood Run " attracts record crowds this year !
Rijden in dikke auto's maar nu eerst een rijbewijs halen.
Я рад когда от мотоциклистов и других лихачей остаётся мокрое место.
And nice to get it confirmed: There is obviously no direct connection between high priced supercars and high intelligence…
There is no stupid like car stupid.
4:44 why is there just a tank casually driving around the town
Some say the tires are still bouncing around to this day