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📹 SCARY VIDEOS Playlist ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTamjWLVpbggF-p_-c3–oT53bajNR0P6
10. Ghost on the chair: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/17szl4m/ghost_on_the_chair/
9. Scariest stuff in my house: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/18lt6hj/scariest_shit_that_has_ever_happened_to_me_in_my/
8. Abandoned care home figure: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/18lt6hj/scariest_shit_that_has_ever_happened_to_me_in_my/
7. Apparition caught in old building: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/18lt6hj/scariest_shit_that_has_ever_happened_to_me_in_my/
6. Old funeral home encounter: https://www.tiktok.com/@durbanparanormal/video/7317319369472675077
5. Did we catch a ghost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQTO4fYziCQ
4. Ghost in airbnb: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/18falkx/was_this_a_ghost_in_my_airbnb_watch_the_shoe/
3. Glowing red object over the Moon: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18vgg1y/video_of_massive_glowing_red_object_over_the/
2. Balloon follows janitor: https://www.tiktok.com/@ski.boi2digit/video/7306413007779695914
1. Mom sent this from her security camera: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/18kvkdl/so_uh_my_mom_just_sent_this_to_me_from_her/
🎵 Music by REPULSIVE ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/c/REPULSIVEMUSIC
CO.AG Music ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA
🎵 Production Music courtesy of ▶️ www.epidemicsound.com
For copyright matters or business enquiries, please contact me: sirspooksbusiness@gmail.com
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://t2m.io/SirSpooks_Jan24 and get a special starter pack with Silver, XP Brews and Chicken⚡ Available only via the link and for new players. See you on the battlefield!
💎 Use promo code RAIDXMAS 💎 available for new and existing players by the end of January.
📱Link for IOS users to enter Raid Shadow Legends codes ▶ https://plarium.com/en/redeem/raid-shadow-legends/
10 videos of pure shite 😂
Can the janitor have a friend &or relative in a green suit
The bored ghost kids at the school were working as a gang to spook out that poor janitor.
These moon vids, like @ 20.00, catch some very fascinating objects,
The scariest part was left out. I've seen the #2 clip with the janitor and the red balloon. Yes, what you showed was indeed creepy but what got me was what you didn't show. He came back the next night and went back to that class room. All the lights in the hallway and the classroom were off. That same red balloon was waiting for him in the darkend doorway. He left immediately.
I don’t know but the last one with the guy putting stuff in his trunk with the shadow person walking around in the background had another creepy moment when he closed his drivers door you can see hands reaching out from under the car. Looks like it’s trying to grab his feet. Creepy 😮
That school is actually built on a cemetery thats been reclaimed to erect this school their are gravestones that line the hallways
The last clip I believe that was someone who died in that sport look like that my have been injured and died in that location.
Excuse me Sir but you've missed a few details on a few of the videos in question
The last two were CREEPY! Not the first time I’ve seen/heard of balloons randomly “following” people around, and with the last one, you always have to look over your shoulder…. 👻 👏😨
Oh nah I have a mini in and rpg
I lived nextdoor to a funeral home, I could look out of my bedroom on to the parking lot of the funeral home and we were very close to the graveyard, well 3 of them. I had endless shadow figures and dream paralysis 5 times, things would grab my legs and arms. Before I knew I am a psychic empath I didn't realize I could hear dead people.
I would constantly see things in my door way that humans should never see.
The ghost baby has creepy eyes!! They like to take energy from children
Ur video is fake af 😂
Dude why are you guys scared? It isn't scary.
You guys may think that I'm a freak. But no I actually enjoyed the "scary things"
Honestly, I feel like ghosts just wander around sometimes. They don't really have a specific place that they latch onto so they just wander around from place to place being attracted some places before moving on to other locations.
The red balloon 😳
I was watching the video and on the last entry where the entity comes from the woods while the person's brother was in the trunk of the car. I noticed something that wasn't mentioned in your commentary. When he shuts his trunk the ghost seemed to crotch down and disappear. After the man shut his car door to walk off there is ghostly hands that reach out from under the car seemingly trying to grab this legs. I had to slow it down and enlarge the picture but indeed there's hand reaching out for him for sure. Thank you for the videos. I enjoy them greatly
Hey bud just so you know it's pronounced Too-sahn 👍