15 Scary Ghost Videos That Will Make You Call The Paranormal Investigators
This original work of horror promises to keep you looking over your shoulder.
Inspired by r/nosleep, these scary videos will scare you in a way you’ll be begging for more.
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#scaryvideos #caughtoncamera #thehaunter
1 is the creepist
Number 11 i know this cottage. It was the sheriff office of a little village in the 1800 and even had a little prison and it is haunted with bad entity,s.
Clip 13 If you don,t know how to use a Ouija Board, never ever just try it out like he did. It, a portal for demons and bad entity,s and you never know who you are communicating with. Beter never use it, i feel so sorry for the dog.
Did anyone else see the face in the bottom door window at 40:45 or is just peradolia?
Fake all of them
Last one so fake lol
In the video number 14 there was 2 shadow figures one went left and the other went right
37:06 My favorite two-sentence horror story was "There's nothing more soothing than a child's laughter. Unless it's three AM, you're home alone, and you don't have kids." This guy LIVED IT.
Fear doesn't come from being alone. It comes from realizing you might not be alone.
The continuous use of big words to attempt to make a story time has started losing my interest. Yes I understand what is being said but it sounds like you’re trying to hard
Y’all in PA…they saying “We Are..Penn State”
Seriously, what is the deal with people and ouija boards?!
Number 9… He always seems genuine but every vid he does he captures incredible footage so hes gotta be fake. No ones that lucky lol
Such great videos. Such AI narration. I miss the velvet voice narrator. 😢
Welcome back AI narrator… Are you feeling human yet?
oh great another ai voice narrator. ugh.
At 40:45 there is something in the window of the door😮 I don’t know if anyone else noticed
Title of this video made me laugh. But then, the video was so scary 😳
Hooker, video at 18:30. Why is he messing with an Ouija board without knowing what he is doing. I have seen enough vids to know how to use it. Why doesn’t he YouTube it?
He took his hands off the planchette; and he didn’t close the session. Not very smart things to do.
Research your issue before reacting. That’s just common sense.
Funny, ghosts always wake up at nighr😵🤣
He is really scared of everything
Did you guys see the babies face in the door window at 40:45 sec into the video o haven't heard any channel point that out but if you look one is there then it's gone
Can you hit a ghost really don't think so
lol the last one got me good at first!
You need to close the portal, or find someone to help you, This is way important.
Hey, the guy from “Urbex Hill” is NOT av”ghost hunter”!!!! He’s an Urban Explorer!!!!🙀 I expected you to know that………( he’s around for quite a while now, I couldn’t explain that you didn’t know this) you’re forgiven 😮🤪🤪🤪
On the ship, "geedunk" is candy. I think the chief was calling all of you "candy azzes" and the other word was "fellas" not "ellen".