This video will convince you that DEMONS ARE REAL. We captured horrifying paranormal activity on camera at the infamous Olde Park Hotel in Ballinger, Texas, and what we encountered that night absolutely terrified us. The “SHADOW MAN” was there and he spoke with us that evening. And we took the ROSARY off of the DEVIL DOLL. In this video, you will see scary ghost activity, demonic attacks, frightening moments and some of the scariest paranormal evidence that we’ve ever captured on camera. You’re watching, THE PARANORMAL FILES.
Every week “The Paranormal Files” travels around the world to ghost hunt, search for skinwalkers, investigate demons and capture paranormal evidence. Join us as we grow the spooky family, release real paranormal videos and adventure together!
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🎵 Colin’s music! (“Sun, Sand & Sadness”!) 🎵:
COMMENT "I'M CHECKING IN" and LIKE tonight's video for a chance to win a FREE "Paranormal Files" gift bag!!!
I had to edit this video on a 2017 MacBook pro that runs at a SNAILS pace so I'm sorry for the delay. But…. I think how SPOOKY this episode truly is manages to make up for it. I love y'all SO MUCH and thank you for tuning in this week!!!! This is one of the craziest investigations in recent memory and it truly scared us. Now…. get ready for the EAST COAST!!
Awesome episode….. so creepy.
Can't wait to watch this. I just love yall. I'm actually wearing my paranormal files Halloween t-shirt today. Hello from Baton Rouge Louisiana!! Shelley Mark's Yarborough
The owner clearly drops the rosary from his hand
Wow! You two did an amazing job. This hotel is super active. I’m checking in!
I’M CHECKING IN!!! It’s been a minute but I always come back to phenomenal footage from my spooky family!!! ❤️ you guys!!!
Absolutely loved this video! Also very random side note- I just noticed Connor has a Bon Iver tattoo and that is so awesome I have one too! My all time favorite artist so that was cool to see mid-scary scene in the video hahahaha
I'M NEVER CHECKING OUT….had my hubs watch with me and he was freaked by Jolitta the doll.
At 2:10:39 the dolls head turned to the right wtf!
I’m never checking out
U need to be careful about not only spirits but the people connected to the places u visit. This is just my opinion so everyone can calm down. But some people are affected by spirits they are around all the time and may be manipulating the living. I hope u understand what I'm trying to say without saying it out right, lol. I'm being very serious about this and I think this episode is a great example of what I'm saying. Many blessings for u and your crew, keep up the great work your doing, just be careful and think about what I said about the living. Blessed Be!!
I'm WANTING TO CHECK THAT PLACE OUT!! YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:28:13 I can hear a female voice. "hello" I think.
1:27:02 I hard the voice and then you can hear "Let go" clear as day. Anyone else?
I saw with my own eyes his "slight of hand" drop the rosary. I don't doubt the evil in the house, at all. But I'm a sharp boul from Philly. The shell game, we, in this city, Philadelphia! Ya gotta come betta than that. He's not that good. Again I paused and played, frame by frame. I watched his hand up the dolls shirt, and drop the rosary.
1:13:50 did y'all hear a "meow" or "help" in the background? I can't tell which one it is.
When you’re saying “shh” and trying to get us to hear something, having music over it makes it impossible
OMG!! 😱👀😱 I'M CHECKING IN!!! I can't believe that y'all captured a lot of insane and crazy evidence at the Texas HORROR HOTEL. It gave me goosebumps and made me jump every time something paranormal happen on camera & audio. Thank you so much for sharing the experience with us. I will never forget it at all. Love y'all so much. Y'all are the best investigators that I trust in the world. #Thanks #StaySpooky #SpookyFam 💕👻💕👻💕
At 2:50:56, right when colon turns his red light on and point back at conner…. is it just me or does the lamp shade look like it moves that is on the table to the left of conner? It might just be the shadow of redlight and regular light…. but yeah
I loved this guys story telling…it really makes you involved with each item an history. Good job guys
Wow! Seeing the old clips and knowing exactly what video that’s from is crazy to me that I’ve been watching your channel for that long! It’s awesome to see how far this channel has come! Keep up the great videos! 🤙🏻
That was a wild estes!!
I fucking hate this shit! I can see half a video that i want to watch and then I can’t find it after it goes away after I lose it. Is this just me. Fuck this