6 Most Disturbing Home Security Camera Hackings

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Here are 6 of the Most Disturbing Home Security Camera Hackings. Featured in this video are some of the most disturbing, creepy, shocking, and scary Ring/Nest home security camera hacking videos on the internet.

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  1. Hello?! wake up people. Your fear is putting you more at risk. I do mot feel bad for you if you trust putting a camera in your little girls room that's online.

  2. Why do the voices coming from the cameras sound like 15-year-old boys? I mean, it's scarier to think that teenagers can do this type of stuff being so young

  3. LOL the delicious irony about this whole thing is that the people who are putting security cameras inside their home are being spied on, when the REASON most of them put the security cameras in their home to begin with is to spy on their own children and any guests who are in their home, etc. They deserve every minute of what they get as a result. Putting security cameras outside the home may be different, but then what's to keep you from spying on your neighbors' property? It's disgusting. The only ones I feel sorry for are the poor kids whose parents are spying on them 24 hours a day. With the outside cameras, there are literally people who can't function until they post videos of EVERY person who rings their doorbell or walks down their street day or night. They post them on social media for everyone to see. There is no privacy ANYWHERE.

  4. Probably one of the most disturbing things about the first story is the fact the parents are spying on this child 24/10 with a camera.

  5. This is why you don't put cameras INSIDE your house, heck even outside is dangerous. I don't have "security" cameras at home for this very reason. I'd rather lose my stuff than be watched.

  6. I get it that you want your child to be safe, BUT in my opinion, installing a camera in your child's room is the STUPIDEST thing you can do. Not only does it invade their privacy buy also… This.

  7. This happened to my brother one time.

    So when he was like 2 or 3, we got a camera to keep watch of him because he found a way to climb out of his crib. Well, one day my sister was watching him through the monitor when she heard a man's voice that we didn't know. He didn't say anything bad but it was quite disturbing. My sister claims he said "Wanna go brush your teeth? Wanna go brush your teeth?" in a playful tone. My brother got very excited and started jumping around in his bed. That's all she told me, it doesn't seem very harmful but idk, what are your thoughts about this?

    Edit: The monitor ended up breaking and we got rid of it

  8. Hey, why don't we put cameras delivering the feed to a private company who streams it online 24/7 for literally anyone with access to that camera, at any time, to see whatever is there? That sounds safe and not risky at all!

    But then again, I'm probably not the only one with more than one device with a camera attached to it facing towards me every time I use it. There's so much that we regular people don't know about. I have the feeling that there isn't a way to control the internet anymore. I mean, bad guys can be innovative too. I kinda wish I had lived before the internet was created.

  9. I cant imagine what a pathetic piece of garbage you have to be to break into peoples webcams and start talking shit to them or their kids. Absolute No Lifes. I mean,you must have have absolute nothing going on in your life and no one there that loves you to be that low.

    also great how nothing ever comes from the reports being filed..

  10. Stuff like this is really gross, but I saw a funny one where the hacker played an emergency broadcast reporting that several cities in the U.S. had been nuked, and the guy in the video very casually walked over to his computer to see if it was true. If you’re going to be a hacking shithead, at least be funny!

  11. People really live feed their private environment to an internet server for mostly petty reasons. Hey parents out there, we made it thru childhood alive without a gdam camera watching our every move, do you really need one watching your daughter like that? Honestly creepy and invasive even as the parent, let alone what goons you are making them vulnerable to by connecting it to the internet. And then can't even use a secure password and 2-factor to boot. Sad parenting

  12. Of all the stuff I've seen on this channel I find this especially disturbing. These people are of no motive or benefit to even be doing this. They all seemed like sick losers that sought some sort of twisted entertainment from messing with innocent people for no reason.

  13. Whoever is reading this, I wanted to say I hope you have a great day and that God loves you so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to die on a cross for your sins and He rose again from the dead three days later. God Bless!

    And also, He doesn't want you to go to Hell, but He wants you to go to Heaven with Him but you have to be Saved. How do I get Saved you might ask? Here are the steps below on how to get Saved!

    1. Believe that God sent His Son
    (Jesus) to die on a cross for your sins and that He rose again from the dead 3 days later.

    2. Confess to Jesus that you are a sinner and ask forgiveness for your sins and Turn away from your sins. If you sin again after asking forgiveness of that sin, ask forgiveness again and try not to do it ever again. Jesus will forgive you!

    3. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and your life and for Him to be your Lord and Savior forever.

    4. Build a Personal Relationship with Jesus by Praying and Reading the Bible daily and Live for Him Forever.

    I'm Praying for you and you are loved

    (Romans 10:9-13)

  14. Time mark 5:40
    This is the exact reason why I would NEVER have cameras all over the inside of my house.
    People are so gullible and naive. They buy all these gadgets, cameras and microphones in everything, even their refrigerators, and they have no clue someone could be watching your every move, staking out you house, kidnap your family or whatever. Nope, not for me. I believe in good old fashioned privacy. Even though most of those hacking in and watching are harmless computer nerds and teenagers for the most part, I still don’t want anyone invading my privacy!

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