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From episodes 11168-11169 broadcast on 19.01.2024
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My dad was amazing, he went strait over to the bully’s home spoke to the father and told if ever he has to come over once again…..😊
It's so sad but it happens so much that kids kill themselves over bullying it needs to stop
This show as gone down the pan😮
Bullying is the worst
I can see this young lad ending his life through bullying ….
This is why a lot of people don't tell their parents they are being bullied.
"We're going to call the school first thing in the morning…it will be a police matter".
As Liam points out "You're going to make it worse". Parents have no idea.
CORONATION Street bosses have apparently broken the bank to tie down icons Sally Dynevor (Sally Metcalfe) and Michael Le Vell (Kevin Webster) after ratings nosedived. It’s no wonder. Every major (usually issue-led) storyline involves charmless, stroppy teens no one cares about. There’s a permanent air of menace about the show which used to be about salt of the earth people and humour.
The best characters are the oldies – Maureen Lipman (Evelyn Plummer), David Neilson (Roy Cropper) being the best.
Ratings will rise again when out-of-touch Corrie bosses realise who’s watching the show — and it ain't young people.
I.just wish Liam tell them the truth the bullying as gone on long enough
Liam Confesses To Maria And Gary He's Being Bummed in the school greenhouse
i was bully in school to high school to collage it was awaful but now am free and i can do what i want i did have a abuseive replisopship to but
Liam is gonna Stab Mason because he’s terrified of him.
I would of taken him out of that school it's college and university that you get qualified for jobs mostly or day on night classes. Or online course he could do school work online until exams on the same subject if they don't remove the person who is doing it.
It's child abuse…. By another child it disgusting
The trouble is the school s do nothing Masons is very nasty also his the ring leader too
So sad as Leam being bullied That happened to me,it’s the person s that’s doing the bullying,very nasty 🤮
Bullies are always haters that are jealous because they are unhappy🙄 Liam must tell Maria and Gary who are bullying him😢
Eye liner boy the bully, get shut
I was bullied at school, the first 3 years. My dad was buildind a nice house in the suburbs of our city; WE ALL LOVED OUR NEW HOUSE! We moved in, school started, The bully and her family moved 2 sreets away to the SAME SCHOOL!!! ALL OVER AGAIN. PLUS OTHERS.
I hate bullying more than anything. It is a horific thing for anyone to go through. When my son was about 7 or 8 i waited at the school yard and threatened a kid who was beating him up. I know its wrong and i shouldn't have but I did. The bullying stopped and id do it again if i had to.
Mason will finally be expelled from School for good.
Bless him
I resnt my dad when i was bullied and he ignored me like i dont exist and tells people i was bullied hmm terrible father but at least my mom was there for me because he walks away and bails.
Hope gary talks to Mason soon
i know first hand what bullying like and how much u want to fit in when u dont you get bullied wish it end soon tho gone on far too long
Liam did the right to tell them now Gary is going to give a threat message to evil Mason and his gang.
I miss Sarah and Gary tbh
he doesn’t want to tell them who it was because his seriously scared about mason finding out and bullying him even more, plus mason said snitches get stitches
Good job Liam
About freaking time
My dad was absolutely useless when I told him I was being bullied. He told me to just ignore it which was the worst advice ever. I should have talked to my mother as she had been bullied as a child and knew how it felt and would have actually taken action. I resent my dad to this day for not putting a stop to my suffering
I'm glad that Liam finally confessed to Maria and Gary about this bullying. It's a really serious subject and never easy to talk about if you are.
I can see someone will have a knife at this meeting he's arranged
Liam knows who the bullies but needs to tell his Mum the truth
I have a feeling Gary is gonna murder Mason since he found out
I know how it feels mate I was bullied a lot in school but dw overtime when you talk about it things can easier and once the teachers and other people know, you won’t have the suffering anymore.
Glad that he has told them both hope Gary sorts out Mason
Thank goodness!!!
Liam finally confessed that he was bullied
Bullying is never an easy thing to talk about 😢
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