Such a fun build. ggs thanks for watchin.
Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/goliathgames
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0:00 – Game 1 vs Mordekaiser
24:45 – Game 2 vs Pantheon
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My Indepth Urgot Guide: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/goliathgames-ultimate-guide-to-urgot-2m-mastery-points-554383
#Urgot #Season14 #leagueoflegends
Season 14 Urgot full Gameplay League of Legends
Still testing this build out so I don't know if it's completely optimal yet, but I like how it's feeling at least when I have a good lane phase.
Runes – Fleet footwork, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last stand, Second Wind, Overgrowth. with double adaptive and hp scaling shards. Conditioning would be really good in this build in place of second wind if the matchup is a bit easier, I like second wind vs morde and panth. I think Fleet footwork is VERY important in this build because you are more squishy and you also need the movement speed to reposition and proc shotguns. Fleet is overall feeling better than PTA in majority of mathups this season imo. I'd go PTA vs champs like Darius, trundle, riven, jax, etc.. Where you really need the fighting power to match them, but otherwise I really like fleet footwork right now, it feels so nice mid and late game and helps you not get one shot.
Items – D blade, Cull, Boots, Black cleaver, Profane Hydra, Sterak's or Jak'Sho (whichever one you don't buy third, just buy it fourth item), situational tank items. Can maybe go damage if you're really fed but I feel like with BC>Profane you have more than enough damage to burst people in most cases, and when you add on Sterak's you feel almost too strong. Tank Urgot definitely feels safer and more consistent right now, but maybe give this build a shot if you get fed in lane or they have tankbuster champions like Fiora,Gwen,Vayne etc…
Live every morning at: https://www.twitch.tv/goliathgames
Nice SOLO Kill :::)
17:22 ayyy its yo boi once again askin for phase rush urgot for the 123 th time
Yo i started to follow u cuz Ragnarok bgm
Hi, Any tips you can give or if you've got a video already but how in gods name do i lane against a gnar who knows how to space?
I remember a few months ago you mentioned making a matchup guide on google docs. If you made it could I get pointed in the direction of it? Keep up the great content from one urgot main to another.
the vs screen in the beginng looks really cool
Urgot is bad, d tier champ, cant use marksman and fighter items, dont play urgot, play Jax and win more games simple 😊 and ban fiora thx
Ey goli ive been testing an item build my own and so far it feels great because of the mobility it gives and I do feel that it kinda rivals the mobility that the mythic passive of stridebreaker gives. So the usual runes PTA etc. Then Cleaver as usual into youmuus Deadmans plate then either steraks or maw depends on the game then last is situational. both youmuus and dman give 80ms when out of combat then add the active of youmuus you be zoomin.