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Inside Edition is now STREAMING! Watch all the amazing reporting from Inside Edition 24/7 on InsideEdition.com/live and Paramount+
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I would say a pregnant women speeding and ignoring police that tell you to pull over is already disrespecting the infant already and should be banned from being a parent.
got to enjoy that GTA 6 hype for these kid's, might as well start giving them a driver's license at birth 🤣
I am glad they actually "seem" to be holding that entitled lady in the SUV accountable for her reckless criminal behavior. These people think "law and order" doesn't apply to them, and they expect and demand to be given a pass or treated with leniency or let off completely. That lady needs to see the inside of a jail cell, full sentence, no credit for time served. Her kind commit crimes frequently and aren't arrested or even charged, which is a serious problem in our justice system.
Crimes against clothing! red jumper lady…ok
The segment with the dears flying them and putting monitors on their necks oh my God, what a sin I know people think it’s for the better, but let nature be nature, man how would you like it if someone put a clunky belt around your neck
1,08,18 This guy, whatever his age is, must be put in an educational camp for a few years to learn obedience.
46.25 This young guy should be put in an education camp for 5 years.
The pregnant woman suing is just stuck in my mind. She put herself and unborn child in danger by not stopping. If she had been so concerned, she would have stopped for the officer….
What a little punk he knows he cant drive. Lock him up
LOL somebody fistbumped the suspect? 🤣 i thought he was gonna stop the suspect
Wwow wow
5 —- 7 years old ?
Wwow- wow –
5 years old?
That lawyer neesa to go baxk to school not when ita beeing invaded and biden woibt do anything bit lwt more in he needs his voters
Law bite me dude without a border there's no country
Never let anyone use your bicycle.
39:24 we making it out the hood wit this one 😅🫣🙇😳🤣
Leave it to a woman to wreck the fairway good going you'll old hag .
"Shots fired. Geez!"🤪😂🤪
Lil boy wants a Lamborghini take Mom's car no charge has been filled,
Lil black boy takes a leak behind Mom's car get arrested and ticketed this is not a racist thing is more like police mentality I think but what do I know any Way.
I don't mean to sound racist but if he was black and had a shootout, he'd be dead. They took that dude alive says alot about our society. Total jive. A shootout 4 times and they took him alive. Come on now and he is white. Who wouldn't think that.
as soon as you travel 30 mph above the speed limit, you have put the public in danger. low performance drivers and high performance cars don't mix.
👵 was playing GTA 5 🌙 before
“52 year old woman. Now she will be known as the woman who put the rec in recreational vehicle.” Had me dead laughing, 😂😂😂😂😂
Stop when you see the lights. What do you expect?
Her ass should of stopped
The pregnant mom "I'm pregnant". So what? You weren't the only one on the road, AND, YOU WEREN'T CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR BABY WHEN YOU WERE SPEEDING!! WOW!
Brrrrrro!!!! That is all fuggin crrrrrazy cool man!!! Thank you for sharing all of this cool Smashville information!!
I love that little boy, he live the dream, we all dreamt.
It's real simple. If you kidnap someone, you immediately get life in prison without the possibility of parole.
I was waiting for a ‘sovereign citizen that cannot be lawfully detained’ assertion of defense. Especially from the ducks.
Aye at least buddy in the first video had a heart for his woman 😂
38:20 I don't blame them 😂
Get him Mom!!! You bet! You go Mom!!!!
If the driver was a teenager he knows better! And previous charges too!!!?? Juvenile hall has a nice bunk all for you!!!😢
Poor Andre and family!!! Hope your insurance is upstanding!!
I see a lawsuit for the Chiropractor !😳😳😱😱
Talk about hazards on hole nine.
Omg the 5 yr old. How did he get even a few miles on the expressway? How did he know how to even get ON the expressway
On more than 1 occasion i have taken a drunk strangers keys. 🤷
WTH IS IT WITH PEOPLE HIJACKING AMBULANCES?????? I was a paramedic and I’d have been livid if someone took my Ambulance!!!🤬🤬🤬