There’s a new Pokémon TCG promo set coming to celebrate the new year and I LOVE these! Come see!
Use my Whatnot Invite Code for £10 credit: whatnot.com/invite/thewossy
Ridiculous Pokémon TCG Bargains: https://youtu.be/qN9k-mJT4Pk
Big Cards from Temporal Forces: https://youtu.be/dTlwnVj2bkI
Amazing New Secret Rares: https://youtu.be/yVJNBCc_V_U
Iono Premium Tournament Collection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlM4Dg2igQo
1st Banned English Card in Years: https://youtu.be/O5_rzZ-GfOI
Temporal Forces Pre-Order Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNfYqxMF0SQ
Brand New Types of Products: https://youtu.be/31b7x2EGMFI
Are Build & Battle Stadiums Gone Forever: https://youtu.be/1Okeq-0YWGw
Bianca & Other Big Trainers: https://youtu.be/iwo_3ooUb2E
Van Gogh Pikachu is Coming Back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSFeUG5sg4M
New Secret Rares & Scizor ex: https://youtu.be/QFoHkMejEy4
First Partner Pokémon Blisters are Awesome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpcEclzu518
Future Pokémon Got So Much Better: https://youtu.be/Ztmkr___cpY
Surprise New V-Union Products: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR0Z4TEkHd0
Ancient Pokémon are the best new cards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoSJQgaVwkA
Stunning Secret Rares from Temporal Forces: https://youtu.be/2jQtSrjzn4Y
Subscribe to Wossy Plays: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm5dQhtBpw1S3ajLVPKWs0A
Patreon: Patreon.com/ptcgradio
Twitter: twitter.com/thewossy
Be honest who else watched to the end? 👀
Spend where to get, I have a guy who’s going to Taiwan and HK within the week, and need to know where to get asap to plan!!! Lol
How do u get These
Omg I need these promo packs 😍 they look beautiful.
Is there any information on where we will be able to purchase it? I have family in Hong Kong but can’t seem to find any site/location
So, will the Miraidon and Koraidon cards ever come to Europe/America? Those illustrations are wayyy too nice to only be for a Chinese event 😮
bros the ultimate yapper
Chinese TCG eating good
Hi Wossy 😊