Here it comes! It could get WILD!

Spread The Viralist

Predictions for 2024 – What you can expect! 👈
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⭐️ These are real-life encounters of ‘something’ the viewer saw, recorded and was unable to identify. These are ordinary people that saw something extraordinary. I also touch on earth and sun related topics such as a possible pole reversal, large earth directed solar flares that could take out the power grid and satellites, also monitor earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disasters.

They shared their unique experience with me via a video or sometimes pictures and I am sharing them with you. If you watch this channel long enough you will begin to see a trend of mysterious sightings pretty much on a daily basis from locations all around the world…

Since the conception of the smartphone, practically everyone is carrying a high definition recording device ready to record in an instant. These devices have been a game changer, recording many mystery objects in our skies. 25 years ago this was not possible, today, people can share these mysterious encounters and have the ability to show proof of what they witnessed.

You will see many different unexplainable situations in these videos, once again these are ordinary people that were not looking for anything extraordinary….it found them. #MrMBB333 #unexplained #unknown

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About the Author: MrMBB333


  1. Sorry to rain on your parade but Mr. Weatherman , Brian, said that the cycle is going back to la Nina and a busy Atlantic hurricane season awaits us. Any comments?

  2. Russia will attack Germany. Alaska will experience two devastating earthquakes (magnitude 7.6 and 7.3) and we will witness the destruction of Damascus. Then all the little kids go missing. It is Jesus who brings the promised salvation! In a few hours, he will take his followers with him too! Our God has now revealed all the details to his prophets. The government will explain it with UFOs. Don't be fooled as you have been told this in advance.

    Only God knows the future. Jesus loves you! Accept him as your Savior and save yourself from what is about to happen. We are now on the last page of the Bible. What saves us is faith that Jesus shed His blood for our sins, died on the cross, and rose three days later. Believe in His heart what Jesus has done for us, confess your sins, pray, and build a relationship with Him. Let him come into your heart. It is God's grace that saves you. There is nothing you can do other than what he has already done for us. 🙏❤️

  3. Thank you, excellent show. I really like the entire dialogue. It’s nice having you in front of the camera as well. You have an excellent presence. Awesome information.

  4. Reading the chat on the side — wow — I don't know how you deal with some of them, I could not… Thank you for doing a good job and somehow just continuing to keep going.

  5. Today the 27th at 1:50 pm. I saw what I thought was a jet at around 30,000 ft. As it got overhead and before and it after passed between the sun. One contrail turned into two. Zoomed in with my crappy iPhone. There was nothing there but the trail. Then contrails separated even more, and one slowed down a bit and then sped up and passed the other. That’s when I could see something that wasn’t a jet. And it was phasing in and out. I live in southeast new Mexico. The two objects were going from west to east. And from horizon to horizon in approximately two minutes… I’ve seen thousands of jets, military aircraft, trainers,, I live next to an airport….. anyone have the flight radar app or something. I’m currently trying to clear up the video. This iPhone isn’t that great. But I know what it wasn’t. It wasn’t a jet. Contrails separated too far apart and speeds didn’t match. I’m not good at uploading videos.

  6. I believe it is NOT a coincidence.
    They use celestial phenomenon as calendar and make sure that events will go down on the time scale they use. And it is not for anything positive or beneficial reason. It’s ALWAYS for their satanic plans and world domination agenda.
    So WE the natural , born free, living human being. Must stand together and stand up for what is right.
    They have a world draft, world war, mass slaughter planned. To make sure they can implement the equivalent of slave laws, force us into a labor camp style of life that takes all rights and freedoms away. So next generation will never know what we take for granted.
    It’s not about honor, right or wrong, saving anyone, or protecting/ prevention, it’s ALWAYS about resources, and to grab riches, and it makes it possible to write new laws and regulation that are aimed to control us and make sure we loose our human rights.

  7. So interesting following you everyday,
    I miss nothing with your eye 👁on everything, everywhere!!
    What happened with this in Washington ?!
    It s a scaryshit ! I would be fuckin scared to lived there. I wish nothing will happend soon. A sign or a holograms…???

  8. Why won’t Mrmbb333 acknowledge the faces in the clouds , and all over satellite images ? It drives me up a wall because his daily pic is usually teeming with them.

  9. Thank you for this phone! Since American homelessness isn't a big propbem now. I'm glad that Main build severel new floor apparments and they dont have to pay for power. I really love how the people in care brought us all these new illegals from China, and some Hispanix.

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