Hello again, Dashflix viewers! Here’s a new episode, bad drivers, nervous moments, scary dashcam recordings! Be careful, stay safe! I love you all ❤️
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📌Credits & Timestaps:
00:00 Intro
00:21 SWD Media | Lancaster | @SWDMedia
01:06 Dash Cam Network | A50 Longton |
01:31 Ross Dickson | Spittal of Glenshee |
01:56 John Torry | A50 near Uttoxeter |
03:54 Dash Cam Network | UK |
04:22 dash cam d**kheads | UK | @dashcamdonuts7135
04:41 Daryll Kirley | UK | @Steaknkidney7
05:09 Dave Walker | BRADFORD |
06:14 Daryll Kirley | UK |
07:09 RochdaleOnlineNews | ROCHDALE | @RochdaleNews
07:41 Outro
#lorryvideos #lorry #uklorrydriver
3:45 Do you really want to die?
@7:23 one of the bikers aarw actually knocked off by the truck probably causing this chase by the bikers
No police around when you need em, it's like the wild west on motorways !!!!!!!!
I see an awful lot of lorry drivers on here trying to justify their bad driving skills and bully Tati s on the road, I always wonder when Lorrie’s are not allowed to go over 55 they always try to overtake on a hill another lorry doing 54 causing long tailbacks . Maybe lorry drivers should have regular hazard perception tests ie weekly to make them see other road users.
I find lorry drivers to be the most polite drivers on the road especially when I am crossing a road as a. Pedestrian they also do a very important job and a very tiring one! Just to confirm I am not a lorry driver and my comments are completely independent
As a class 1 truck driver I encounter bad driving every mile I travel. Range Rover, Audi and B.M.W drivers are the worse. They drive with a pompous aire of arrogance. Gone are the days of courtesy, consideration and caution. Vehicles costing many thousands of pounds drivers drive in a very cavalier way. I'm coming to the end of my professional driving career the way I feel I doubt I will miss it. It's war out there. People drive too aggressively. Impatient people cause accidents.
whara fokin dighed, dingi dingi dingi
The Fiesta driver was not very good but that is no excuse for tailgating. Just ease off and leave alone.
Second clip 'Driver sacked'.
Maybe the truck pulled out in front of the Fiesta prior to what we saw? Even the last one, you just don't know if it was road rage towards the truck doing a silly move prior to what we saw. I feel most if not all, break checks or purposely slowing down in front of another vehicle is because of a earlier move we did not see on the video. I don't condone road rage of any sorts; I do feel a lot of these maneuvers are because of prior incidents.
Over here in the states if you do that stuff you're going to get used for brakes
They are not Bikers. They are morons on motocross bikes, which they have probably nicked. They get genuine bikers a bad name and when they get killed the general public say motorcycles are dangerous. 🤬
The BMW bellend should have gone into the hedge bottom. Just the sort of thing to stop and p*ss youself laughing at if he did!
What a load of cunts in that last clip. All billy big bollox because there's a crowd of them. Get them on there own and they would shriffle up like the pussies that they are. Cunts everyone of them.
I've always respected the drivers of articulated lorries, now even more so after seeing what they put up with on the roads.
These idiots in that red old school Fiesta and the 53 plate Civic who think nothing of playing their silly games on motorways and dual carriageways need their licenses taken away permanently. Not only do their childish actions affect the lorry driver it impacts everyone else in that vicinity too creating a needlessly dangerous situation over something so petty.
Typical Audi driver,their all twats
Every time I see a Audi or BMW I just know it's either in the wrong lane or it's been driven aggressively.
Drove hgv 17years now all over country…. I might start to write a book about Disgusting, Shocking, Terrible,Selfish, Idiot, Braindead,Driver's i see daily…. who knows??? Might make me a millionaire 😂😂😂
A countries population's IQ can be judged by it's quality of it's drivers and by the quality of the UK drivers, it's IQ is very low.
How long is it going to take these idiot drivers to learn that 1 in 3 cars have got a dash cam onboard and most would take great pleasure reporting them. As a retired lorry driver of 46 years accident free, I wonder how many of these drivers are on drugs, no other explanation for such driving. I fear for the future of this country.
Glenshee clip is so dangerous, and unnecessary, as their is a big straight after the twists bends. 4:42 clip truck used wrong lane. Red Honda civic is reckless dangerous, trying for insurance job, these cars sold stripped for parts are worth more than double the value
Check out the fiesta's drivers MOT, last one expired in January 2018
That third one is a good example of idiots who cannot understand the difference between "I can't see anything coming" and "I can see there is nothing coming".
7:28 But they are not alone. Going against a bike gang is suicidal dude. You better respect them.
AUDI stands for absolutely useless driver inside.
Been driving 42yrs in Britain. I now hate driving here due to so many stupid drivers that have nothing between there ears. How did they pass there test ?