This Video Show, Most frequent natural disasters from different countries
Each of these countries faces a range of natural disasters, and the specific type of disaster may vary within different regions of the country. Prevention, mitigation efforts, and preparedness are crucial to minimizing the adverse impacts of these natural disasters.
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France : muslims.
I’m happy over there, so because it’s didn’t show Spain and Hungarian. I am happy for that.
Nah not SA🇿🇦 😂😂😂😂 we have no such
The movie Twister made me paranoid about tornadoes as a kid 🌪️
Is Singapore doesn't have Natural Disaster? I suppose to pray a lot to defend your own Country against Natural Disasters.😇🙏🤍
as I live in colombia it will happend the flood but now the earthquake
I'm so sad for these countries 😢.