That meat with flies was nasty, make sure that puppy is on a monthly dewormer
I also share a video about dogs on my channel, I would be very happy if you touch the profile and subscribe
The bitch looks like a German rough hair pointer. If it would not say gwp I would have guessed so. Beautiful pups and dog. They make stunning gun dogs and more loyalty is hard to find.
I have a 3yo German wire haired pointer and he is so cute I wish I got him when he was a baby tho lol THEESE are so cute/tiny
Can someone give me an idea of their energy level? I mean, is It on the level of a border collie… Which is through the roof?
Can someone give me a ballpark idea on the cost of a puppy? Thanks.
OK I give up. Why are they eating meat covered in flies? Really?
I was going to pick up my German Wirehaired puppy this weeK but the owner of the puppies tested positive for covid unfortunately and his wife is out of town, hopefully I can get her home safely soon, she’s sooo adorable, white around her muzzle and body, and a little on her tail! Can’t wait to get her soon. 🥺
it's okay to zoom out
I had a hard time choosing between the three coat types. Went with the shorthaired. But I still love the bearded!
Dang to think my pointer was like that 6 months ago
What was that poor puppy eating that was dead??? 😧
I love German Wirehaired Pointers!!!!!!!!! They are extremely beautiful!
I have one of those and he's turning three this year
Hey TG, how are the fires treating you there? How is you hunting areas? Would be good to get some regrowth footage
Nice looking pups where you located
Very cute pups bro. I hope your parents place is safe from the fires. Good luck.
Awesome looking pups mate , should be good hunters like their mother.
Is Remi from Velvet mate? If you’re having another litter in the next 12 or so months, sign me up
That meat with flies was nasty, make sure that puppy is on a monthly dewormer
I also share a video about dogs on my channel, I would be very happy if you touch the profile and subscribe
The bitch looks like a German rough hair pointer. If it would not say gwp I would have guessed so. Beautiful pups and dog. They make stunning gun dogs and more loyalty is hard to find.
I have a 3yo German wire haired pointer and he is so cute I wish I got him when he was a baby tho lol
THEESE are so cute/tiny
Can someone give me an idea of their energy level? I mean, is It on the level of a border collie… Which is through the roof?
Can someone give me a ballpark idea on the cost of a puppy? Thanks.
OK I give up. Why are they eating meat covered in flies? Really?
I was going to pick up my German Wirehaired puppy this weeK but the owner of the puppies tested positive for covid unfortunately and his wife is out of town, hopefully I can get her home safely soon, she’s sooo adorable, white around her muzzle and body, and a little on her tail! Can’t wait to get her soon. 🥺
it's okay to zoom out
I had a hard time choosing between the three coat types. Went with the shorthaired. But I still love the bearded!
Dang to think my pointer was like that 6 months ago
What was that poor puppy eating that was dead??? 😧
I love German Wirehaired Pointers!!!!!!!!! They are extremely beautiful!
I have one of those and he's turning three this year
Hey TG, how are the fires treating you there? How is you hunting areas? Would be good to get some regrowth footage
Nice looking pups where you located
Very cute pups bro. I hope your parents place is safe from the fires. Good luck.
Awesome looking pups mate , should be good hunters like their mother.
Is Remi from Velvet mate? If you’re having another litter in the next 12 or so months, sign me up