5 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Make You Sleep with the Lights On – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, …
5 SCARY GHOST Videos That’ll Make You Sleep with the Lights On – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, …
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Here’s 5 reasons to keep the lights on tonight 👻
Yikes just watched this during a storm, which definitely adds to the atmosphere……Spooky .
22:01 am I the only one who noticed how hairy Fransico arm is?
You sound a bit like Tyson Fury bet you can do a mint impression 💥
The creepiest thing is definitely num#1(20:00) …the guy has the most harriest arms I've ever seen 😱
Did anyone else see that white i guess shadow walk across the door in franks house
Thats a crossroads demon
Umm, so i really hope the priest story was fake. Because if not then it angered me so much. After seeking help the father refuses him and gives him a weak ass excuse with no explanation whatsoever??! Hey priesto, YOUR NOT A MAN OF GOD. Can you ever imagine someone begging Jesus Christ for help. And Jesus saying, "nah, you dont need your house blessed. I dont wantbto waste my time helping you. Because its not your house. Its you Fransisco. And you need to go figure that shit out on your own." Click, hang up…. So i think what this fake father should have done is given Fransisco a phn number to a real priest. And then he should have taken his own advice and left to figure out, on his own, if he should continue as a priest. Or go work in the electronic dept at walmart instead. And hopefully he woukd choose walmart. Because he sucks as a priest so bad!! 🤷 😂
Has anyone noticed that the streets are spotless!! The one in Japan 🗾?!!
Ian, remember they are from a time when alot of people were pruds,So,my advice watch the swear words!! There has been lots of documentation of offending spirts! Watch the F bombs!!!
These people who go looking for ghosts and when they find them and the spirits reply they jump scream and run , if they're all that scared why search them out in the first place ?
What I've learned over time is that mostly all- if not all entirely- people who upload scary things online especially to youtube and tiktok only does it to either fake it or make money. It sounds unusual but that's the reality of today's world it's all about the money with people
I feel horrible for frank. The one hope he had on the priest banished. What a horrible man, one of his duties is to help the helpless and pretty much told frank to F off. What a nice way to preach about faith and lead by example. Frank, talk to another priest or pastor.
Has franchesco unplugged the keyboard?
fakers,but thanks.
Recently found your channel and you are already one of my favourites!! Keep up the amazing content ❤️
Midwest Ghost Hunters been debunked that often and people still think he's genuine. They need to have a look for Beardo on YT..
Ian the Midwest ghost hunter is so cool and chill that even ghosts wanna have a beer with him
Thank you i enjoy watching your videos
The first one is so fake LMAO I'm embarrassed for him !!!
❤ teşekkürler kardeşim Türkiye'den selamlar
I gotta stop watching this channel at night yo😂
piano guy is possibly fake.
Your voice at the very beginning fucked me up so bad lol. It sounded so high pitched and flat I was like wait who tf is that 🤣🤣
Love your clear voice unlike other channels thank you
Love how ghost hunters go looking for this stuff and then crap their pants when something supposedly happens. 😄
The last one was scary as hell. I feel bad for Francisco and father José did nothing to help him which irritated me to my core. I hope hes alright and got some answers
#2 Shadow figure have a Schadow 😂😅
14:10 Fingers in closet under the shelf.👉