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About the Author: Lex Fridman


  1. Here are the timestamps. Please check out our sponsors below.
    0:00 – Introduction
    1:36 – Liberalism vs Conservatism
    6:49 – Education
    23:06 – Trump vs Biden
    43:31 – Foreign policy
    56:28 – Israel-Palestine
    1:11:25 – Russia-Ukraine
    1:23:04 – January 6
    1:39:03 – Abuse of power
    1:49:01 – Wokeism
    1:55:42 – Institutional capture
    2:09:36 – Monogamy vs open relationships
    2:14:29 – Rapid fire questions

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  2. Biden closed the keystone pipeline , Biden stopped the microchips in gas vehicles to put into elect vehicles causing supply chain problems. Biden opened the borders to terrorists and criminals to come in and giving benefits to illegal immigrants helping illegal immigrants against legal citizens and against interests of the tax payers.

  3. I AM SORRY, but one person in the room is logical, one is a religious zealot, and one is a cult member. I will leave you to decide who is who, but I will give you a hint, Lex is the logic…

  4. “If a Democrat had done [January 6th]”… then we wouldn’t even be talking about it. It would have been swept out of the news cycle in a week

  5. Destiny is a braindead dreg, regardless if you agree with Shaprio or not. Destiny should be destroyed in general principal for the survival of the human condition and should be derided as such. In short for Destiny, if you hate north America GTFO or STFU bitch., because we don't want you.

  6. Obama destroyed us and Biden is f-in us in da butt homie. We’re out here boots on ground are dying out here with the state of things. You get paid to talk bro chill. And never give credit to Obama for what trump did you sicko

  7. 2:04:19 I appreciate Shapiro touching on this because once again, I’m a lifelong democrat, and I wanted to stay in college to get my PhD, but I could hardly afford my bachelors degree. I don’t qualify for the jobs in my field, but I can’t continue my education and pay for my life when the cost of living tripled for me since I was in college.
    I want to get degrees, I’d like to think I’m very smart and I put a lot of time into self educating. But frankly I was raised by a single mother who developed dementia in my teen years so I haven’t had anyone to show me the ropes. I want to do more, I know I can do more, but for the most part everything I have goes to taking care of my family.
    And it’s just not fair. I was pushed into going to college because I was supposed to be able to better help my family. My sister who dropped out of high school has made as much money as I do. Many of my coworkers have no college, although several do. But it has basically amounted to that even though college educated me and taught me how to better educate myself; it did not qualify me for work that pays well. It didn’t even qualify me for my field with just a bachelors degree. If you made it this far, it’s international relations. And I work in logistics.

  8. 1:50:38 so thinking about the evolution of CRT as Shapiro explains it. Now I’m a lifelong Democrat but I’m not really sure that subject is good for pre-college education.
    That being said, if Shapiro is suggesting that it was originally born out of Marxist/critical theory which was about economic ideology and then it morphed into the same thing but about race instead.
    Then does that not mirror the development of Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations in response to Fukuyama’s End of History? Fukuyama suggests that after the fall of the Soviet Union that the world would be in harmony under one ideology, Liberalism. in response, Huntington suggested that instead in the absence of the capitalist vs communist ideological alignment of the international order; international relations would become oriented around what he called a clash of civilizations.

  9. I've seen Destiny do a few debates recently and because he is a exceptionally bright guy who communicates well it usually seems like his opposition is not fully prepared to debate at the same level and because of that he tends to dominate in points. Sometimes it feels like he is punching down at regular folks like students or activists that just feel the way they do for specific real first-person experiences. This was refreshing because the difference between Destiny and his typical opposition is now shown in reverse as Ben dominates points in this debate and it is now Destiny that cant truly keep up. They even have somewhat similar speech mannerisms. Loved the debate. Thanks Lex and company!

  10. 1:48:35 Shapiro makes a valid point. How is Trump going to prevent the transition of power if he becomes elected? Certainly not through legal means because he would have to run for President, which he can’t do. There is no legal pathway for Trump to even approach that kind of conspiracy. Even if he theoretically arrested, or assassinated as some have suggested presidents have the power to do, his political opponents; he could not legally earn himself another term.

    So this Destiny guy, if he’s going to make the argument that Trump wouldn’t let go of power, he needs to make that difficult and uncomfortable argument. The only way Trump could remain in power past a second term is through illegal means or a crisis. So he has to argue that he thinks Trump would orchestrate a crisis so that he could remain in office.
    And then he has to be able to defend that argument.

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