Diablo 3 Gameplay – Hardcore Death Compilation, Epic Reaction 2 !

Diablo 3 Gameplay - Hardcore Death Compilation, Epic Reaction 2 !
Spread The Viralist

Hardcore Death Compilation 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp4b3OlHymE&list=PLpwpePKWMmV0rLDXeQcgT-sSWTDIluUNu&index=4

Hardcore Death Compilation 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zikWchnfwdo&list=PLpwpePKWMmV0rLDXeQcgT-sSWTDIluUNu&index=3

Hardcore Death Compilation 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGiNJOKrRHs

Hardcore Death Compilation 4 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6qJlJGjr04


Bonjour all !

2ème épisode de la série Hardcore Death Compilation !

Pour ce qui ne le savent pas, une mort en hardcore = … perte définitive de son personnage, mais aussi de son équipement 🙂 Enjoy xD

De nouvelles réactions épique rien que pour vous ! Les jeux vidéo rendent t’il fou ? Et bien … Oui !!

Bonne journée à vous !


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About the Author: iScope000


  1. There are only 2 options when deciding on how to play this game. Option 1 if you die, you lose all your progress, items, gems, and character development that you spent weeks, months, years building up. Option 2 if you die, it’s a perk, you are rewarded full health and your arcane power is fully charged. You even have 5 seconds to move around undetected.

  2. It's because I never would play this shit hardcore!! Noob, me?! Talk to my hand!
    And this jerk 5:50 blabbing the God's name and f*cking at the just same swear!
    You'll blood lose all the softcore plays, you suck!

  3. some of these deaths are pure risk with little reward (Standing in that room full of fire/ice affix's? What r u doin bro! lol)

    Live and learn! (Or rather since its HC Diablo…. Die and Learn!)

  4. ya you really learn the hard way sometimes. last time i played i lost my lv70 wizard (G-WIZZ) while grinding gold and magic drops. he had ALL… of my legendary gold/item find gear on. lost that set PLUS his actual legendary set that i still had him carrying. gonna be hard to ever pick it up again

  5. Sorry but those people have mental problems. Creating a Hardcore character is just stupid because you don't get any benefit from a non-hardcore character.
    So why do all the work to get a good character if you cannot revive him?
    And then they cry afterwards…

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