No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter
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I cant wait for spring and summer
Rainy days are good also to have a bit less work and more rest
All of the fur babies look so nice and cozy in bed on a rainy day

I love the sound of all that rain….very relaxing. Have a good day everyone.
The soft, soothing sound of raindrops landing on the roof and patio…a good day for Takis to let the sleeping dogs, and himself, lie in bed a while longer.

Ja genau, wunderschönes Wetter……..
Grüße aus Deutschland
Alle gucken so, wie wenn sie sagen wollten: Takis, du schickst uns heute aber nicht raus
In der Nähe vom Bodensee regnet es auch….
Liebe Grüße an alle da draußen in der Welt
These short videos are nice but sometimes when I watch iPad at night I put on a longer video and watch. My favorite is when the day is done and Takis has dinner and his pups and maybe some interns and he's just relaxing. We ALL love you Takis! Much respect friend.
La lluvia es siempre buena aquí en Catalunya no llueve y va a ver restricciones de agua
How cute all snuggled in /on your bed .good place on a rainy day
Είσαι σπουδαίος!Ο Θεός μαζί σου στο μεγάλο σου έργο, σαυτόν τον τόπο που οι άνθρωποι δεν έχουν σεβασμό ούτε για τον άνθρωπο ούτε για τα ζώα!
Takis meraviglia

Beautiful babies
Scheiss Wetter heute wird geschillt

Im spain praying for rain
Beautiful video

Happy contented warm little bundles everywhere!
Who doesn't love a snooze during the rain?? Especially on a tin roof, it's like sleeping to music!

Dios va a para algun dia de llover alli en Cretav,os llevais todo el agua que se necesita en muchos otros paises como en Catalunya .
, ,Sr. Takis por todo lo que hace por todos los animales .
, equipo y volutarias.

Pobrecitos todos los que estan en las areas ,patio ,o suelto por ahi como Chalie ,si todos tienen esas casitas pero eso no los crube mucho de la lluvia ,la humedad y el frio,ni incluso la calor .
Ya se que el Sr. Takis tiene muchos perros y que hace todo lo que puede por todos ellos .
Thankfully Takis animals are all safe
Good morning to all of you!
We have sun and hot in the North of Greece!
Good morning, have a nice day…every day alive is a good day!

Kalimera Dear Takis Volunteers Workers and all those Beautiful and Adorable Doggies

In my part of the world we are having lots of rain too. Rain is better than snow.
Your positivity is admirable Takis, thank you. Wonderful to see the lovely critters all snug and cosy. Grioula is absolutely beautiful, they all are. Have a great afternoon.

Wx partly cloudy w sun trying to come out in Central NJ
Bom dia a todos.

Com esse dia chuvoso, é muito bom ficar mais um pouco na cama.
They don't want to get up!

Thanks thanks thanks Takis
It's raining in Los Angeles too.