World War 3 (Hour by Hour) (Compilation)

World War 3 (Hour by Hour) (Compilation)
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00:00 World War 3 (Hour by Hour)
32:28 US World War 3 Plan
47:52 Countries That Will Be Destroyed Because of World War 3
1:08:40 Safest Countries to Hide Out if World War 3 Starts
1:26:12 What Would Happen After World War 3
1:39:11 Least Safe Countries If World War 3 Breaks Out
2:16:46 Why United States Won’t Win World War 3
2:28:16 Deadliest Weapons of World War 3
2:28:43 Aftermath of World War 3


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  1. Always overestime AMERICA & europe and always underestimate CHINA RUSSIA . America main power is paper money dollar. Remove dollar america is not even close to China. China is main trading partner of 150. Even usa. No one in asia will ever dare to comes against China. USA cant even capable of providing 1950,s 155mm canon bomb to ukeraine. Look at their rate of production in ships, missile, navel vessels, aircraft they are not even half the capacity pf CHINA. I m just laughing.😂😂😂😂. Veitnam, laos, cambodia, Afghanistan, pakistan, iran and central asian republic will all go with china definitely. Have no dout in that.

  2. The Narrative is garbage. It's the liberal Democratic party in America that are the ones starting World War III. Russia it's just going against a new world order that wants to replace are freedoms of choice with order period and we the people in America want to stand against that order

  3. How can the Philippines be neutral when they have American bases there that means that they're China's enemy You gotta pick your side and we decide to be with America great but you gotta set for the consequences if there's a war

  4. How do u have an entire video saying the United States would win a war against literally every other county in existence, yet in this video make it seem like the United States would crumble

  5. I know this is all hypothetical and I've seen many theories like it but there is a category of people that never are a factor in these theories that I know when push comes to shove will have a response and an impact on the outcome of another world war.
    Anarchists do exist and won't stand for this.

  6. This analysis is fundamentally flawed for one reason alone, they assume Chinas capabilities and command structure is equal to the USA or at least, the analysis has a us lens on Chinese capabilities. We know this is NOT the case, so a more accurate simulation would have China trying to attack with missiles that once the us wakes up – there’d be massive counter against the pla to which massive numbers of soldiers surrender or quit. That is reality, they are not fighting for their country or even a good cause – so why die for the CCP? All is “good” until there’s the reality of quick defeat to which there’s no match against the USA. That’s why China is doing soft power warfare which it has some success since the us doesn’t retaliate vs kinetic which China would lose in days.

  7. Again, giving to much credit to Russia’s and China’s military capabilities to beat NATO. They both would be wiped out after the first day. Ridiculous conclusions

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